Animal Welfare is NOT Animal Rights. Legal defense information, case histories, animal control raids, illegal impoundment, FBI, DHS reports, HSUS, PETA, foundation, history and impact. |
Greyhounds Can't Run!
Greyhound racing has been banned by ignorant Animal Rights advocates.
Damages Denied To Animal Owners
There was information on border state livestock losses and assaults but now...
Drone Attacks Baby BearHeart-wrenching VIDEO of bear coaxing her cub up snow-covered vertical climb.
What it does to human rights under the guise of protecting animal rights.
How they seek family visits with puppies in your kitchen or bedroom...
Genetic engineering - see salmon and Dolly in Video Theater
Tax-exempt PETA takes your donations but kills the pets you tried to protect!
Terrorist attack Harris feed lots in CA. VIDEO
Land where freedom was born strips Citizen Rights in this on-site report.☼ Legal Reference
Attorney on violation of the U.S. Tax Code, Terrorist Act and...
On animal welfare, this attorney says HSUS more hostile than helpful.
Millions of animal lovers have unwittingly joined subversive groups.
Setter Rescue raided, nursing dam and litter taken to "shelter" and sold.
The richest, best "connected" AR describes itself!
People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals
PETA employees caught dumping dead dogs.
Will AKC fight to protect the purebred? The answer is still "no."
Predictive 1992 Canine Chronicle column on animal rights extremists.
Attorney on how AR groups use (and write) laws, risking owners to animal abuse charges!
AKC breeder-judge says "We need a big dog attitude".
Should IRS revoke tax-exempt status for contributing $millions to AR lobbying? ☼ Foundational Information
ASPCA takes credit for making shipping even more difficult.
The Cattle Network - too late to learn?
Where and how does the money flow?
How PETA seeks to change our way of life, by R. Lee, PhD
Hitch up with the platypus. or... here's what you can do.
Attorney lawsuit charges violations of RICO Act, Bribery, Tax Code violations...
Breed Specific Legislation meeting.
One Nation Under Dog Says It All. another Breeder Rights revelation.
Include top political media consultants, CBS coverage, and now Animal Planet.
Part 1 exclusive on Best Friends Animal Sanctuary.
Part 2 digs deeper... Insiders only! Human and animal sacrifices? More "Best Friends" below...
High school mascot sexually tortured and staked on the 50 yard line...
The first defense: do NOT allow a foot in the door, forbid intrusion without warrant! ☼ Legal
Illegal seizure is a winnable case with this legal guidance and court rulings. ☼
the AKC Terrier Breeder Of The Year betrayed by this mole...
Get the law on your side by knowing this!
Why the FBI ranks ELF as #1 Domestic Terror Threat.☼ Root Research
Revealing how PeTA got started, ties with Russia, China, and the 70s Peace Movement. ☼ Background
ABC's 20/20 catches Texas SPCA stealing prize dogs and horses, then selling them. ☼ Reference
owned by licensed Aviculture breeder, then neglects them, lawsuit..
Terrorists moved into our kitchens!
Dr. Lee doesn't mince words on breeding fast-growth breeds...
claims 2,000 attorneys support their agenda and government connections.
Judge says HSUS caused death of thousands of horses.
contributing more in 2008 than the powerful Teamsters Union.
Some organizations use your $$$ to fund animal rights agendas.
definitive handbook on dealing with warrantless seizures. ☼ Reference
Who will inspect YOUR kennel? APHIS? HSUS? Video of his speech.
A unique solution to being victimized by dog limit laws, etc.
Documented case of warrantless arrest, lawsuit, and the 12 secret AR playbook steps. ☼ Background Information
It’s no coincidence the IRS deadline follows April Fool’s day.
IRS violations, missing $500 million on HSUS tax returns.
Exposing financials and tax returns. Thanks Consumer Freedom!
AR Welfare advocate and HSUS Exec. come upon a homeless person and his dog.
"Animal Rights” agenda in local politics, humane society, etc.
Responsible Breeders not needed, AKC says Puppy Mills perform public service.
**Statements and information contained herein are for educational purposes only. Always check with an Attorney if you believe your legal rights have been violated or you would like to share documentation of same.**
Federal Court redefines animal rights activists as terrorists.
How to oppose AR legislation & support IRS tax fraud investigation.
Louisiana AG plus on-site reports on HSUS's failure during Katrina disaster.
*29 million Google returns - 1.3 million individual visitors
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