HEALTHY PETS AND PEOPLE"There is NO PLACEBO effect in animals!"
The world’s 1st website brings Human and Canine Health information together in one "Place" so you can learn from your pets! |
Wild Weather, People & Animals
Be prepared and share your preparation tips for the next edition!
Animal Instinct Or Precognition?
Animals have stronger instincts and sensory perceptions than humans.
Canine vs Human Loyalty?
Dogs are the most loyal animals on earth and will never forsake us.
Honey Heals Wounds And Burns
Prescriptions dominate modern health care but that is NOT good for you...
COVID-19, Enough Already!
Are people just “over it”? Tell us what you think on our facebook page.
The Poodle Porch
The porch is a Godsend for poodles in show coat, puppies and sudden storms...
Infertility In Carnivores
The vet blames genetics, breeders whisper bloodlines, is it the dog food?
Simple Eclampsia Prevention
When a mother dog is nursing a large litter, the risk of eclampsia is higher...
Food Security For Family Pets
Now's the time to take action, even in winter you can have fresh vegetables.
Food Security For Family and Pets
Growing your own edibles is price and health-wise even if it means planting on the rooftop.
How EMF Affects Pets And People
Digital power meters cause health issues in people, house-pets and stabled horses.
Bloat = Gastric Torsion
Simple tips to prevent bloat and first-aid to relieve bloat before it becomes deadly.
Cross-Species Viral Risk
Simple science on how to protect ourselves and our pets from new outbreaks?
Modern MRSA, Dogs And Drugs
COVID-19 and MRSA as related to drug use, what about your pets?
Tired Of Hearing About COVID?
What medical doctors are saying about a simple, safe treatment...
Why Deny Dogs Detect Disease?
Why does the medical establishment reject canine scent-sense?
COVID Treatment Suppressed
Current information on a veterinary product that can save human lives!
MDR1 Multiple Drug Resistance
Breed clubs and veterinary diligence dramatically reduced that genetic defect.
ACV: Apple Cider Vinegar
Suppressed solution for canine or human bladder problems!
Activity Adjustments For Older Dogs
As your dog ages, routine activities become difficult, modifications are necessary.
What Does Your Dog Want?
Dogs are “up front” but some canine problems can be more subtle...
EMF And Canine Cancer Connection
Quickly learn about electromagnetic effects on human and animal health.
CDC Bans Import Of Rescue Dogs
Cancel your flight! No dogs from any country at risk for rabies, effective now.
Vigor And Longevity
Judge Lanting confirms handlers, judges and dog owners live longer through lifestyle choices.
Natural Medicine ~ Supplements
Is your pet on prescription medications? Explore alternatives that work!
Dog Scratching And Itching?
Is it fleas or allergies? Many veterinarians dispense medicines without diagnosing the CAUSE.
Veterinary Dentistry
Haywood shares her son’s personal experience and warns that dental health is equally important in our dogs.
True COVID-19 Death Statistics?
2021 COVID-19 statistics exaggerated? Corona virus is ‘cause of death’ in only 6% of hospitalized patients.
Echinacea Pharmacology
Faced with COVID-19 virus, it's critical to know about effective natural cures. Quick Facts!
Dog Brain Studies
MRI reveals unparalleled dog-human bond, we share a voice-emotion brain connection.
Deadly Pool Bacteria
Check your premises for blue-green algae, i.e. cyanobacteria can be deadly to children and dogs!
*None of the statements contained herein as regards human or animal health have been evaluated by the FDA. Information is provided for educational purposes only. The ii NetPlaces Network advises you to always check with a licensed veterinarian or medical doctor. Information or products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness, disease, or condition, whether animal or human. This disclaimer is due to FDA restrictions designed to protect you, the consumer. It does NOT however, protect you from malpractice, prescription drugs, or vaccines. |
Judge explains importance of sunlight exposure which creates hormones vital to estrus (heat cycles), healthy gestation and puppies.
All family dogs are housedogs and while this is emotionally preferable to being kept outside, inside confinement may be unhealthy for canines.
Simple science of sunlight, pineal and thyroid glands, and vitamin D.
The connection between sunlight, fertility, and immune system diseases.
Does your pet (or person) seem confused
after major surgery? Learn why and how to reduce risk.
Hematomas, caused by trauma, can become a persistent infection.
Diagnose, reduce chronic and reaction
risk in pets and CHILDREN!
NO, but here's expert, objective information for people with asthma or allergies.
Ractopamine, plant extracts, and antibiotics; new regulations put pet owners and parents on high alert!
Symptoms, treatment, information and photos of holiday plants known to be poisonous to pets plus National Poison Control emergency number.
Printable list and photos of common
landscaping and indoor plants that can be deadly to pets, plus Poison Control
hotline number.
a breath of your heritage that will restore you. First to serve mankind was the
dog and then came horse...
Vet Medicine proves many alternative cancer therapies work better than chemo and radiation.
An amazing red-light healing device can be the key to your own good health.
... and butts, humorous insight on why its more than a social greeting and rank display.
Vet visits can be costly, these do-it-yourself therapies and homeopathic remedies work.
If you're a breeder, you will relate to this and the difficulty in finding a good veterinarian today.
Rarely used by Doctors or Veterinarians but it works!
can prevent nausea, bruising, and infection.
Harvard doctor says dogs heal human minds, detect cancer and more...
means walking backwards... senior's balance is crucial to prevent falling.
Updated food laws meant our food supply was safer?!!
Parents and breeders! Pay attention to excitotoxins & estrogen inhibitors in foods.
Violence and aggressive behavior increasing, dogs and people both ingest GMO corn.
brain and mood-food for you and your show dog! Here's why...
from salmon to corn have no FDA labeling, but have already proven fatal
Genetically engineered animal feed used in Kellogg's products.
Big Pharma ignores “thinking” bacteria!
true cases of how they stopped parvo virus.
vinegar for cystitis, honey for burns, raspberry for free-whelping.
Affects people & dogs, can be fatal; cause, symptoms, and treatment.
Homeopathic expert, dog show judge explains why.
Don't blame your pets for asthma or COPD until you rule out these known factors.
and surgical procedures, by popular AKC group judge Dot Martin.
Healing energy can also do wonders for your dog. Learn more!
Pets For YOUR Health: Benefits of stroking a pet are scientifically measurable, clinical trials show an immediate drop in blood pressure and heart rate and long term studies have proven people who keep pets experience prolonged life and better overall physical and mental health than those who do not! |
truth on iodine replacement in "store bought" bread and dog food.
Common but seldom diagnosed in people or pets!
How to diagnose and treat hypothyroidism by knowing and seeing the symptoms.
New "Diet" marketed through vets.
How to raise oxytocin levels, green beer from a Wheaton Terrier, etc.
(hepatitis anyone?) by breeder judge Dorothy Martin.
over 12,000 children sickened; thousands of dogs killed in 2007.
The net's best disaster preparedness plan. Dr. Jordan, DVM on what and where to get emergency supplies and who to contact.
Can be related to easily correctable things so before doping your dog try these simple but vital changes.
Whether you have dogs or kids, uses are examined with cautions.
What about RFID chips that read YOU when you walk in a store?
Misdiagnosis in a tragic Boston Terrier bloat case.
Medical costs are out of control as drug makers negotiate prices with pet insurance companies and then…
reality story, can cause deformities, even death. Dow Chemical sued...
100% organic Full Spectrum CBD Oil containing genuine cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids provide holistic relief.
Good for the mind and body - for you and your dog! Editor's Choice
It's not just killer bees, now report of death in puppy attacked by wasps.
Over-charged by greedy practices? Medical professional's fractured experience...
March 2019 Monsanto in court! We warned you about this in 2011...
Help for dog owners seeking effective natural supplements for themselves and their dogs.
You may prevent this debilitating disease by knowing this simple, free, dietary fact.
can have the same cognitive and memory problems as people so learn what tests
can be done to detect the Borrelia bacterium.
It's not just for cancer, but a must have for high cholesterol, diabetes, heart problems.
Should you treat your dog with stem cell therapy for CHD or arthritis? TV ads claim success for people but does it work for canine joint disease and at what cost?
Dogs hooked on tranquilizers is a
national disgrace to pet owners and the veterinary profession.
Before treating your lawn this summer,
you need to know about 2,4-D, a new breed of weed killer!
Latent survival instinct prompts carnivores to seek certain nutrients, there's even a simple FREE cure used in human medicine...
Indications, dosage, weight, dosage for your dog.
Learn from this Doberman fancier's horrid experience of simple bloat ending in death.
Dr. Lee covers the dog's religious history from dog-jackal Anubis to today's amazing connection.
How to prevent these problems and hip dysplasia.
If Ebola can be transmitted like HIV, can pets transmit AIDS or HIV?"
Revealing report on the least toxic laundry detergent for dog beds, blankets, and your apparel.
Cancer and infertility from UNSHIELDED groin radiographs?
Next time YOU need a CT scan or a hip x-ray on your breeding stock!
We've been duped about cumulative radiation risks.
Why hasn’t someone developed medication protocol for surgically sterilized dogs?
there was coke, paregoric, Bayer's Heroin, etc. OK, look while you laugh...
Medical reports reveal clear connection in soaring canine diabetes.
If your breed is predisposed (see list) to tearing and eye stains, you can eliminate unsightly eye stains, see i StainGon? on page for detailed information.
Weather phenomena, animal attacks, mass shootings; get the truth!
bone, joint, reproductive or behavioral problems that defy diagnosis?
$50,000 for open heart surgery on your pet is a rip-off but he's as valuable to you as a new car in the garage.
Words alone cannot describe what we've done to the breeds we cherish... that's why there's VIDEO.
Dr. Barber explains magnetic and infrared therapy.
itching, vomiting, and chronic diarrhea.
Before you yowl about higher vet bills since pet insurance came along, read what this veterinarian says.
Potentially deadly infection picked up in decayed wood, and...
Cancer therapy, prevention, by Susan Thorpe-Vargas Ph.D.
Dr. Vargus says deadly to dogs, diagnosis difficult, symptoms
The sick truth from vaccines to Vioxx is that veterinary medicine is big business. Read article, then watch the (coincidentally produced) Health Ranger video Prescribing Death (6 minute video)
If your neighbors treat their dogs, what is the risk of heartworm disease?
Cyanuric Acid food risks news from organic chemist, dog show judge.
Danger to family long-eared pets and kids!
to keep your family and animals healthy and energized!
It's not just melamine. FDA warnings ignored by media and more...
Stops dogs from chewing/licking their feet and scratching/causing hard to heal, painful sores on their ears.
and new Federal bill supplements tuition - wide open for women students.
Seizures (fits, convulsions, epilepsy, tremors) may be food, medication or vaccine related. How to avoid or treat canine seizure disorder includes video information.
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