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Current information on a veterinary product that can save human lives from being destroyed by COVID-19, then the doctor and the question of why YOU didn’t know this…
Ivermectin is an effective, gentle animal wormer safely used for decades. Approved for human use in 1987, Merck pharmaceuticals donated ivermectin as Mectizan® to treat humans in underprivileged countries around the world.
Thus, millions of people have been successfully treated and Ivermectin’s overall safety well-established in human medicine. The U.S. National Institute Of Health states “Recently, evidence has emerged that the oral antiparasitic agent ivermectin exhibits numerous antiviral and anti-inflammatory mechanisms with trial results reporting significant outcome benefits.”
So why then is ivermectin being denied and denigrated? Attributed to an A/P (Associated Press) release, this ridiculous quote answers that question. “Far-right using COVID-19 theories to grow reach, study shows.” ~ ABC News, December 17, 2021 There are dozens of similarly politically insulting, dissuading comments but we use that example because ABC is/was among the most trusted news sources.
In early 2022 concerned medical practitioners are asking if or why the pharmaceutical industry has suppressed the effectiveness of ivermectin? Examples to follow, including misinformation on the origin of COVID-19 and the current conception of how to treat the virus.
First, as stated above, what’s new in fighting COVID 19 isn’t really new. Ivermectin has been shown to be effective in reducing the impact of the virus.
Secondly, we must ask IF and WHY the pharmaceutical industry would suppress the effectiveness of ivermectin in human use and are medical doctors muzzled? The answer to doctors is “not completely.” In November 2021, TV news featured nationally renowned medical Dr. Brian Tyson who “is exposing the truth about the covid pandemic.” The Fox News commentator asked “How do we know it (ivermectin) is effective?”
Dr. Tyson replied “… number one, studies have proven that ivermectin works and we've got now over 200 studies that show that it is effective when used in combination…” He went on to stipulate “…in my clinic we use Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.” In response to ‘does it work?’ Dr. Tyson said “…it's effective when used in combination with steroids … doxycycline with Aspirin, and we have a hundred percent success with it and Zithromax.”
The doctor is on his game! You may remember when, back in Feb. 2011, the National Institute Of Health proclaimed Ivermectin as the “wonder drug from Japan” {Ref #1}. Dr. Crump then explained that it was originally introduced as a veterinary drug that kills a wide range of internal and external parasites in commercial livestock and companion animals.
Note that we eat the one and live closely with the other.
As regards safety in humans using ivermectin… TheDogPlace.org can only state that most vaccines and drugs are tested on animals before being considered safe and effective in humans. See above reference re Merck Pharmaceuticals’ generosity in donating, i.e. testing Ivermectin in large human populations, many of which were not in the optimum health enjoyed by people in the U.S.A.
As to the effectiveness of ivermectin, we offer this COVID-19 info from Nat. Institute of Health (NIH): ) “…the random effect model revealed that adding ivermectin led to significant clinical improvement compared to usual therapy…” see {Ref #2}
Your doctors don’t have crystal balls so they may not be willing to “prescribe” ivermectin off-label due to legal liability but you can experiment with the animal-formulation. Why? Because it appears that “definitive evidence for repurposing this drug for COVID-19 patients will emerge only in the future.”
So, until such time as your medical doctor feels confident about advising ivermectin, TheDogPress.com can only provide you with information and advise you to “check with your doctor’ before experimenting with any animal product or herbal remedy.”
In closing we offer an interesting example of medical non-sense. Oct 22, 2021 CNN reported “… people vaccinated for COVID-19 had lower death rates than those who were not vaccinated, even when COVID deaths were excluded.” Even experts can sound silly. The commentator did not mean to imply that the Covid vaccine prolongs life but there is mounting evidence from “multiple studies showing that the COVID-19 vaccines are effective against COVID-19 infection, serious illness, and death.”
TheDogPress.com will provide more medical background on the effectiveness of “Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.” So yes, if you know people who are elderly or medically compromised and home-bound, watch for your next edition of HEADlines from TheDogPress.com.
Reference Information from US National Institute of Health (NIH): {1} Ivermectin: "Wonder Drug" from Japan ~ {2} Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 TheDogPlace.org EST 1998 © Feb 2022 https://www.thedogplace.org/Health/COVID-treatment-suppressed-b22A023.asp SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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