If your breed is predisposed to tearing, runny eyes and eye stains, treat the cause and get this new 100% safe and effective product to eliminate unsightly eye stains. |
What causes eye stain, Stain-Gon solutions, breeds prone to tearing problems, easy options to clear up those tear stains and restore your dog's beautiful expression.
Possible Causes For Your Dog's Eye Stains
Breeds More Likely To Have Eye Discharge And Tear StainsAny dog, regardless of the breed, whether purebred or not, can have eye stains. White dogs are more likely to have visible tear stains on their face because the pigment in their tears will show up against the white hair as reddish-brown streaks. Dogs with long hair on their face may also be more prone to excessive tearing because the hair wicks tears away from the eye and onto the face.
Short-nosed dog breeds, such as Shih Tzu, Pekingese, Maltese, and Pugs may be more prone to eye staining because they often have shallow eye sockets or hair growth in the skin folds around their eyes. Cocker Spaniels and Poodles may be prone to blocked tear ducts.
For Tear-Stained Eyes
Eliminate the source of irritation. This might include keeping hair near the eyes trimmed very short and treating infection, glaucoma, or other eye problems.
Regular washing of your dog's face (use tearless shampoo) can help, as can eye ointments and antibiotics but avoid prolonged antibiotic treatment which could lead to drug-resistant bacteria [3] which is something far worse than eye stains.
A new product released by CTI Corp eliminates pet eye stains. Dubbed i StainGon®, the product is 100% safe and effective.
There are also surgical options for eyelid/eyelash problems which could help normal tear drainage and eliminate overflow onto the face. Always check with your veterinarian first but he/she should already know about this non-prescription, inexpensive new treatment.
Reference 1 List of congenital and heritable disorders, 2 Lens Luxation, 3 Drug-Resistant Bacteria Copyright © TheDogPress.com 1601194 https://www.thedogplace.org/Health/Eye-stain-problems-1601_Penn.asp SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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