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WHY DENY DOGS DETECT DISEASE?Barbara Andrews, Publisher and SAAB Member
Why does the medical establishment reject canine scent-sense as a diagnostic tool that can detect deadly disease which X-rays can miss?
Is it due to $$$ lost to that branch of medicine? (Perhaps) Is it somehow against insurance or medical protocol? (Probably) Is it concern for patient reaction and acceptance? (Could be)
We received the following from a reader who in her grief wanted to share something that is not widely accepted in medical practice. The NetPlaces Network gratefully presents her first-hand experience which can help millions of people understand and be aware.
“My husband recently lost his battle with Stage 4 Prostate Cancer (small cell) after being misdiagnosed multiple times by several doctors who had blood work done and many tests. This went on for 3 1/2 months.”
“During this time, our 2 Australian Shepherds, both age 3, would frequently sit on each side of him and continuously lick him from his ankles to his elbows as he sat on the sofa in his lounge shorts and T-shirt... He would have to push them away saying "enough". We finally knew they sensed something was seriously wrong.”
“Please pay close attention to your furbabies...they are smarter than you think. I am now concerned because my smaller female Aussie is continuously licking the large male on the top left side of his back which she started doing just before my husband passed. The Vet examined him and did blood work, found nothing but I've been told I should have an ultrasound done on him. That I will do!!!” ~ Name withheld by request.
Sniffing is more than a social greeting. Through the sniff check, dogs can determine social status, character, and overall health.
Thankfully, we have finally begun to understand and utilize the dog’s “God-given” power to detect disease, drugs and critically important in 2022, explosives. We have long accepted the usefulness of bomb-detection and drug-sniffing dogs.
Today’s medical doctors need to accept the fact that untrained dogs can detect cancer and pinpoint its location. Sure, doctors must still order traditional tests to confirm the presence of and type of disease.
This email from a subscriber is indicative of the heartbreak many of us have had but it also points out how significant the actions of your dog may be.
“I lost my husband of 49 years to stomach cancer in 2005. Back then I did not recognize the significance of my little dog wanting to lay with him. She was MY dog but before they diagnosed his “ulcers” as cancer, she clung to him like glue.”
As far back as 2001, dog owners were reporting disease detection behavior to but it took 4 years of internet coverage before the medical establishment took it seriously. They still used all the very profitable (!) cancer tests and it wasn’t until 2015 that a controlled medical study proved that dogs could detect prostate cancer in urine with 98 percent accuracy - higher than most urine analysis tests.
Since the turn of the 20th century, we smart humans have begun to pay attention to what our dumb dogs “sense or scent” and to realize the significance of their actions such as prodding and sniffing at a cancer site.
We should have looked back to ancient times when Hippocrates wrote about people with high fevers emitting a peculiar odor. Doctors of that time failed to get the significance. Oh well, we didn’t have newspapers and internet then…
Finally, in 2022 we are accepting that dogs can “sense” many human disease forms. Let us hope that our modern medical establishment will make good use of what dogs can do for us. EST 1998 © Mar 2022 SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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