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DRASTIC DECLINE IN HUMAN AND ANIMAL HEALTHBarbara J. Andrews, Publisher, Science Editor, SAAB
Why spending the day inside causes higher disease rates in both human and canine health, plus the simple, free solution, even for COVID-19!
People live longer today but only because we can now prolong life despite health conditions that would have killed our parents.
For example, heart failure and diabetes have markedly increased but death is delayed through new medications, both human and canine. That's great but you and your pets should reach healthy old age through knowledge and choice.
The intriguing fact is that human health statistics mirror disease problems in our dogs. If your house dog is indoors all day while you are at work, sunlight deprivation adversely affects his health just as it does yours. He probably isn’t under ii fluorescent lighting but even so, artificial lighting affects pet health as much as it impacts their owners.
Dr. Julian Whitaker reports that Americans are now spending 90 percent of their time inside or in an indoor environment. When you consider time spent in transit (for many, underground subway) most of us only spend about an hour a day in direct sunlight. I hear you (job!) but with the exception of burrowing animals, all mammals were created-evolved to receive 14 to 16 hours of sun per day. [ref 1]
There were no statistics on the animal-human-environmental-health connection so I called on long-time hobby breeders. Meticulously kept canine health records revealed a significant cancer and disease rate anomaly between “kennel dogs or yard dogs” and “house dogs.” Obviously the outside dogs enjoyed better health and when fenced, longer lifespan.
You get what this means to you and your dogs. Even sea mammals need sunlight which is why whales and dolphins come to the surface to breathe and in so doing, soak up sunlight. [ref 2]
Direct sun exposure is required for vitamin D production but our modern, mechanized life prevents us from “coming to the surface” long enough to absorb direct sunlight. All mammals depend on sunlight, in particular, the unseen blue spectrum. Now I heard you thinking “but sunlight causes cancer.” Combine sales hype with a smidgen of fact and you've got a customer...
You slather yourself with lotions that reduce absorption of vitamin D! And to further thwart nature's grand design, you wear sunglasses, preventing sunlight from entering the photosensitive cells in the retina which connects directly to the pituitary gland in the brain.
"So what?" you ask. “What” is that the pituitary gland regulates brain chemistry and crucial hormones like melatonin, serotonin, insulin, etc. Mental health statistics show the alarming result of sunlight deprivation!
I’m not a doctor but my dermatologist says that “gradually and naturally tanned skin is less susceptible because it has more melanin, the protective pigment that gives skin its darker color.” The debate is which comes first, ultra-violet light that can cause skin cancer as it tans, or the cancer protection of naturally tanned skin… The answer is obvious, if you are Scandinavian, don’t seek a suntan.
Having reproduction problems? Don’t expect your veterinarian to consider vitamin D deficiency but do consider this. Dogs have evolved outside, hunting or basking in the sunlight. Even crocodiles and alligators seek the sunlight… Surely we are smarter than an oversized lizard!
As humans evolved and retreated into caves-houses, health problems escalated. Yes, our life span increased for which we thank modern medicine but we must not forget nature's design. Sunshine is free and effective "medicine" for many physical and psychological health problems.
Interestingly sunlight has already been proven effective in the treatment of COVID 19 patients both in America and other countries. "Sunlight correlated significantly to Covid-19 patients recovery in Jakarta, Indonesia." ~ Science Direct. And the U.S. Nat. Health Institute, NCBI notes "Sunlight exposure increased Covid-19 recovery rates."
Japanese researchers clinically measured “significant reductions in blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones after a 15 minute walk in the woods” which exposed people to sunlight, and fresh air.
Experience the peace and tranquility of rustling tree leaves, babbling brooks, sunsets and a sense of Oneness with nature. Escape today's world of blaring horns, machinery, computers, and few glimpses of the sun in your inside environment. And above all, take off the sunglasses! Use those designer glasses to impress but not to stop your eyes from receiving sunlight.
And one more critical point to your health and that of your dogs. You’ve heard of SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, it's “seasonal” only because the days are shorter and the sun’s rays are at a different angle and less intense in winter.
So what's the takeaway? Get your daily dose of vitamin D and your all-important connection with nature by spending more time outdoors.
And one more thing, especially for office workers and anyone who uses a computer or tablet for more than a few minutes at a time. Consider a special natural spectrum lamp for your office and indoor kennel area.
Referenced Information: [1] … humans evolved in equatorial Africa, where the sun delivers most UVR (ultra violet rays) most of the year. ~ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ [2] https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/ ~ Sunlight travels about 1000 meters (3280 feet) through water TheDogPlace.org EST 1998 © 170920S11 https://www.thedogplace.org/Health/drastic-decline-in-human-and-animal-health.asp SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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