- Global Canine Communication, The World's First Public Website Launched 1998




Choosing a family pet checklist: best breeds for allergy? For kids or seniors? Toy breed or guard dog, high energy or laid-back? Free, professional advice from the world's FIRST public website!!



Faith And Your Dog



These are two things we can rely on in troubled times.


Safety Tips For Your Dog


Traveling with your pet in a pickup truck?  Dogs should ride in the cab or in a secured crate in the bed of the truck, not in the truck's open bed.


Safety is important as you, a pet owner, explore the world with your dog.


First Dogs In America



Did dogs come with the first immigrants, did they tame wolves as pets, or…?


Problem With Animal Protection



The laws disregard an animal’s urge to roam, forage for food and procreate.


How Cars Kill Dogs


Dogs locked in hot cars may have to be rescued or even taken to the vet to save!


AKC Judge on what can occur if you leave your dog in a car unattended.


Ocean Mammals We Love



We eat animals, birds and fish but rarely ocean dwelling dolphins and whales.


Canine Humor: My Dogs Laugh At Me



My dogs have individual senses of humor, is it true with other family dogs?


Stay With Him



The worst part of a veterinarian’s practice is our duty to destroy...


History of the Dog



Documented research, lavishly illustrated, how dogs evolved with mankind, makes your dog special.


Caring For Your New Dog



Dr. Lee helps you care for your dog with easy but important advice.


Internet Puppy Buyer Beware



It's easy to be taken in by internet ads for perfect puppies, read, learn, beware and share!


Paranoia Pandemic



Caused food shortages and huge demand for dogs to help with emotional stress! BUT...


"Feed Me!" Said The Family Dog



How parents taught their son responsibility and taking care of his dog.


Help A Grieving Pet When Owner Dies



Dogs can suffer overwhelming grief when their owner dies. Here's how you can help.


Why Dog Is God Spelled Backward



Dog owners agree but this religious scholar explains why it became an adage!


Handy Dandy Doggy Things To Know



Your dog is a dog, not a human child which is why most "dog bites" are not...


Dogs Fear The Fourth Of July



And this AKC Judge says fireworks can cause fear phobias in your dog.


What Dog Breed Do You Identify With?



See and share photos and we may feature YOU and your pet on our facebook page!


What Dogs Do For Us


Owning a dog supports us emotionally and physically even if it is just the extra exercise of caring for them.


Quarantine was rough but pets helped us emotionally as these owners show us.


National Dog Bite Week



Statistical risks of dog bites to people and pets and bite prevention.


A Puppy For Christmas?



Judge says, “not a good idea and that a puppy may be an unwelcome gift.”


Winter Dog Safety

Small breed or smooth-coated dogs have special winter concerns versus double-coated dogs.


A puppy for Christmas is on every kid's wishlistChristmas Gift

Why a puppy epitomizes the real meaning of Christmas.


What I Want For Christmas

We asked top breeders and got the answers!


A Dog For Christmas

A dog can make every day Christmas, especially for an only child. When your child begs for a dog remember this true story of a well-known writer...


Vital Tips For Managing Your Dog

Easy information on the right collars, canine diet, toenails, vet exams, jumping up, biting...



It's a safe place, full of

and a great learning opportunity for kids by "teaching the dog"

to respect rules, and schedules, and learning new stuff.


Instill the pleasure of reading adventure stories while learning about dogs.


The Magic Cave 1 - The Story  The Magic Cave 2 - The Readying


and The Magic Cave 3 - The Journey


Housebreak Puppy in 4 Days

If you fail this first learning/teaching opportunity, he’ll be a yard dog instead of a 24/7 pal.


Disaster Survival Plan

Dr. Lee's advice applies in the 2020 riots but is a critical plan for surviving natural disasters.


Dog Bite Warning

As more people become city-dwellers knowing these warning signals can protect you.


The Human-Dog Connection

Psychologist-scientist shares a special present to yourself and to your dog.


Small Dog Safety

They require common sense precautions even though they think they are giants and act accordingly.


Toy Dogs Aren't Toys

I have three small dogs and they are the apples of my eyes even though I've always had large breed dogs in the past.


Why Elephants Are Like Dogs

Insight from this video will change how you perceive your Best Friend's needs.


Canine Connection

I've had many great dogs but some are somehow “different” and I wonder if you have experienced this?


Dog Buying Guide

Purebred personality, size, and health is more predictable than a mixed breed.


DON’T Rules For Owners

Best advice for new owners!


A dog for the kids is part of the traditional American familyBest Breeds For Kids!

A "dog for the kids" to teach responsibility.


Your Personal Dog?

Remember Lassie, Lad or Sergeant Preston's King?


Best Dogs With Kids Photo Collection

The most defining photos EMAIL YOURS!


Non-Allergenic Family Dog?

Dr. McNicholas on how dogs boost a child's immune system.


Tethering Or Tying

Tie him out 10 to 15 minutes but "tethering" him where you can’t see him is unforgivable.


Family Dog Comes Back?

A dog dies but then a miracle takes place; true story by AKC judge!


Oxytocin Magic

Why communication is so uniquely developed in your dog!


Hurricane Rescue

Animals suffered but this amazing story soothes the heart...


Disaster Preparedness

Vet advises innovative gadgets like Pet GPS locators!


Disaster Plan Packing List

You won't have time then so print this list.


More Disaster Survival

Tailored to families with children and pets.


Evacuating With Pets

Cell phone and medications aren't enough.


Dogs In Mourning

President Bush's service dog lying by the casket...



There's nothing more rewarding for you and the family dog than training, done right from the world's 1st dog-site!


When It's Time

How do you know when to let your best friend go? The most powerful message you will read today.


Reggie the Labrador Retriever, his name was TANKReggie's Letter

will bring tears to your eyes but we run it every Veteran's Day. As you celebrate the freedom our soldiers provide, hug your dog, he understands.


How Dogs Are Different

Compared to all other domestic animals.


Fencing The Family Dog!

Practical, plus shocking truth on ELECTRIC fences.


Common Sense

Online questions show how little we know!


What is this dog thinking?  His sadness is palpable.  Is this how dogs pray?Most Faithful Dog

This dog attends mass every day. Does he pray to be with his owner?


Dog Buying Guide

Purebred personality, size, and health is more predictable than a mixed breed.


Anxiety Or Destructive Behavior

How to solve problems dogs can’t understand.


Dog Bite Statistics

can affect your Homeowner's Insurance.


Who Gets Custody

Divorce court concern about pets solved by a dog "judge".


Health studies prove that children who grow up with a family dog are overall healthier and have stronger immune systems.


Picking Up The Poo

Pooper-scooper laws prevent disease and...


The Old Man, Old Dog

How far will you read before you understand?


Empty Arm Syndrome

There is no comfort when your pet dies but AKC judge says fill your heart with another pet.


Find An Ethical Breeder

who will be there after the sale with advice!


Pet Leasing Scam

Pet shop rip-offs covered on CBS news!


Who Takes Care Of The Dog?

Prepare them with this before you go.


When To Let Go

My little Sheltie is not at the door to greet me when I return from judging trip...


A "Forever" Family Member

How to insure the dog fits your family BEFORE purchase or adoption.


Super Hound To The Rescue

fascinating facts on Dogs Finding Dogs...


Coonhound Rescue Walk

Extraordinary mountain scenery in MA.


HSUS' Responsible Breeders

How HSUS advises families...


Why Not A Designer Dog?

Why cross-breed inferior purebreds?


Chihuahua Photo by Associated PressMost Aggressive Dog Breeds

This list will surprise you and help you decide!


A well-trained guarding breed is the best all-around personal security protection.


Family & Home Protection

Peace of mind is a burglar alarm that loves you.


Choose The Right Breed

It's critical to match your lifestyle.


Seniors in the household? Choose a calm, easy-care breed.  Dogs help seniors get more exercise and simply stroking a dog lowers heart rate and blood pressure. For your little girl, choose a breed for cuddling and confiding in; for your son, an active breed suitable for rough and tumble.


Choosing A Family Dog

AKC judge on size, trainability, and good with children.


A Dog Day Of Fun

Small minds discovered while walking her dogs in the park.


Are You A Good Dog Owner?

Take quick quiz to learn WHY pets are not welcome in many places...


Choosing A Personal Dog

How to match your lifestyle and needs.


Just A Pet ? True Story

What a clumsy puppy did for a WWII veteran who served his country at great cost.


Breeders Give Thanks

What Coton, Bedlington, Chihuahua, and Shar Pei breeders are most thankful for.


Dog Dilemmas?

Simple solutions for mange, allergies, heat stress, fencing, behavior, and safety tips for family harmony.


Why Choose A Purebred?

Prefer to gamble or bet on a sure thing?


Guard and Bully Breeds

AKC judge says think “ahead” to prevent trouble.


Sneezing Communication

Do you understand your dog’s body language?


Your Breed Choice Must Fit

AKC judge explains breed characteristics.



Psychologist shares amazing revelations about both species.


Canine Jealousy Explained

How to introduce the family dog to the new baby.


Why Heat Kills Dogs

Before taking your dog on a quick ride to the store, learn why beloved dogs die every summer!


Thanksgiving Dog

Give thanks for the mysterious quirk in nature that became your domestic dog.


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