- World-Wide Canine Communication For Everyone!




Stories, games and puzzles for young people because a dog's Best Friend is a kid!  You can tell all your secrets to your dog because they never tell a soul. (Parents allowed when accompanied by a kid.)




Handy Doggy Things

The first thing to know about a dog? He is an animal, not a human child.



We're warning you!  You better not.  Rules for dog owners.


Quick-Draw McGraw is a western hero in The Kids Place at TheDogPlace.orgQuick Draw McGraw

An entertaining tale about a cowboy who saves the Soda Shop.  Hey mom, remember those?


North Carolina Dream Dog

A family with an Autistic Child find happiness in "Happy".


Three-part Story For Kids Of All Ages

The Magic Cave 1 ~ The Story, The Magic Cave 2 ~ The Readying, The Magic Cave 3 ~ The Journey


Warm Fuzzies

A mean ol' prickly tries to change the whole town to be just like him.


God Works At The Post Office

He answered this little girl's letter when the family dog died. TRUE STORY!



Kids and pets, a great combination, when properly managed!


Did You Feed The Dog?

How one couple taught their son to take care of his pet.


Choose The Right Dog

Important decisions before bringing your new dog home.


Beautiful child, beautiful well bred pet puppy, courtesy C. SeixasCaring For Your New Dog

Dr. Lee on what to have on hand before buying your best new friend.


Vital Tips And Tricks

We've gathered together a safe bag of tricks for you to reach into.


Zoe Was A Weimaraner

6th grader Joline shares her loss.  It's all about growing up.


The man-creature came on All Hallows Eve, the evening of Halloween but the family dog was ready for him.On All Hallow's Eve

The kids had worn him out pretending to be goblins but something woke him and he reverted to ancient guardian and... let the dog out tonight!


Happy Halloweenie

Get Your Hotdogs! and many more photos.



This is why dogs hate Halloween.  Lotsa photos!


A Dog For Christmas

She willed herself to stay asleep, to continue the dream. True story of a well known dog owner, so when your child begs for a dog…


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