In an evacuation emergency, you won’t have time to assemble survival items like prescriptions, dog meds, trauma supplies and antibiotics. PRINT this list and keep it handy! |
DISASTER PACKING LISTby Roberta Lee, DD., PhD., ND. TheDogPlace Science Editor
OTHER SURVIVAL ITEMS:Most people think they know more than they do, so it is wise to have a manual for “Emergency Treatment and Management.” There are tons of light-weight paperbacks available today, which should tell you they are felt to be needed. Get a book that covers the everyday type of injuries that occur during disasters.
What is the first and most important item to you and your pet’s survival? If you said, “WATER” you are right. So this section will be about water.
SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON POTABLE WATER:Water will be like gold in a disaster. Remember we are talking about survival here, so the most important water is for drinking or first aid. Stock up on water purification tablets. If you live in an arid area of the world, you should begin to stockpile water. Use only glass bottles for storage. If sealed properly it should last about a year. If you have to “bug out” to another location, transfer the water to lightweight fabric or plastic water bags. Your dog can also carry water in his packs.
Using a little apple cider vinegar will be beneficial. It leaves the hair squeaky clean and you can pat a little under your arms as a deodorant. For bathing, water and apple cider vinegar should be two parts water and one part vinegar. This will help make your water go further even if you are lucky enough to not have to travel. Water that is used for bathing, washing your hair or washing dishes should be saved and recycled to flush your toilet or other waste water jobs.
If you are running out of water, remember your hot water heater has anywhere from 40 to 60 gallons of water. Make sure you disconnect the hot water heater first and allow it to cool. Then open the drain at the bottom. The first water gallon or so will have sediment in it so it can be saved for other uses, not for cooking or drinking but the rest should be potable (drinkable) water. You may have access to other water sources; lakes, rivers, streams and ponds but you will have to use your purification tablets to ensure safety. If you have failed to buy tablets then you can boil the water for at least 5 minutes and then agitate it by shaking or beating it to re-oxygenate it.
EMERGENCY RATIONS & SURVIVAL FOOD:I will not bore you with the particulars of what drastically cutting down on the caloric intake does to the body. To go even two weeks without food can and does start many physiological changes in the body that signal you are in danger of death, and what’s more, just commencing to eat again does not necessarily fix the problems that developed from starvation.
I am not going to make a grocery list for you but I will give you ideas that will allow you to go on the hunt with your computer. Let’s prepare for the worst. Whatever you buy for the worst case scenario can be used at any time.
K-RATIONS or MRE (Meals Ready To Eat)This is what our military eat when they are in the field. MREs require no fire or boiling water. They are light weight and easy to carry and packed with vitamins. There are also any number of vacuumed packed grocery store “meals” that will stay fresh for a long time and the most they will require is a little water, which your body needs too. Nutrition bars are good to stock pile also. They are easy to carry and will give you needed energy in the event you can’t prepare a meal.
If you think you will not be able to travel then you can store canned goods. These are good for at least two years, but be alert for tops that bulge or dented cans both of which can indicate the seal is corrupted and you may have spoilage. As with vacuum packed foods, there are many canned soups and meals plus meat such as tuna, salmon, chicken, beef, and pork.
Nuts are a great source of protein. They come canned, shelled, and whole (in shell). Crackers are not high in nutrition but they are lightweight, filling, and could be added to any snack or meal. Beef and chicken stock comes in boxes and can add flavor to whatever you cook. Honey is wonderful. Not only is it nutritious but it is great for cuts, burns, and scrapes. Remember that bacteria will not grow in honey.
Prescription Medications: You must keep them safe, dry and out of the hands of other people, especially children. I would add a good quality hunting knife, scissors and tweezers of the medical type, and a small sewing kit with needles and cotton thread.
TRAUMA SUPPLIESSeveral packs of Quick Clot to stop bleeding fast! It is like Quickstop for toenails but this stops major wounds.
10 ABD type dressings (maxi-pads work nicely!) 20 rolls of gauze bandage, 6 triangular bandages, assorted Band-Aids 5 chemical ice packs and 5 chemical heat packs 4 four inch ACE wraps and 4 three inch ACE wraps 10 rolls of Transpore and 4 ladder or SAM splints 10 bottles of irrigation fluid (saline or sterile water) 10 sterile oval eye patches 2 pairs of Trauma Shears 2-4 boxes of sterile gloves 2 Penlights 5 Bottles of Isopropyl Alcohol and 5 Bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide
SUGGESTED MEDICATIONSPain and/or fever: Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Aspirin Stomach: 2 bottles of Antacid, 2 Bottles of Benadryl, Syrup of Ipecac Colds, Flu: decongestant (Sudafed), cough medicine, cough drops, Nyquil Wounds or Itches: Calamine Lotion, Sting-Eze Swabs, SolarCaine Spray, antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone ointment Assorted children’s strength medications several tubes of InstaGlucose Bactine or other astringent COPD inhalers or ammonia Inhalants boxes of betadine Prep Pads eye wash
CELL PHONES AND SOLAR POWERED RADIOSWorld Band Radio (this requires no electricity or batteries) Large industrial type flashlight. There are those that are water proof, and are hand cranked like the radio above. There are also flashlights that work on solar power and can charge your cell phones just in case they still work.
SURVIVAL PLANS TO LIVE BY:Remember, reading about a plan for survival is great but print out survival plan! Make sure the whole family not only reads it but puts it into practice. You know what they say about practice? Practice makes perfect. Your plan won’t be like your neighbors or mine. This is what your family is most likely to do or where you think you might be able to go. If you practice your plan then when the time comes you will be more appt to follow it.
The first hours of any emergency will bring fear, stress and in some cases terror. Here are some suggestions:
I know this has been long but then survival isn’t easy and can’t be planned for in one or two words. Above all, remember You must survive for the safety of your children and family. Take this seriously, because it is.
Don't miss these two very important preparation articles by physiologist Dr. Lee; Disaster Survival Plan 1 ~ Disaster Survival Plan 2 TheDogPlace.org EST 1998 © 13081506165R197 https://www.thedogplace.org/Family-Dog/Disaster-survival-packing-list-Dr.Lee.asp
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