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Association Of Small Animal Protection

by China Kennel Club President, Lana Tsan


The date for this is June 22nd to 25th, 2001


CHINA'S NEW SMALL ANIMAL PROTECTION FOUNDERSThe photo is that of the ASAP = Association of Small Animal Protection in Beijing.


The people in the photo from left to right is Ms. Wang Lei Mui (the top groomer in Beijing), Lana Tsan the NASA Representative, Ms. Ilean Zhao ASAP founder and vice secretary, and also President of the China Cat Association, Mr. Matthew Fan of NASA, Ms. Betty Chao of ASAP one of the founders, and also the director for all organized activities of the club, Mr. Wang Ping Hei.  He is also one of the founders of ASAP and Mr Siu Yuk Tung. another groomer of Beijing and supporter of all animal activities as well as helper.

Just for fun and because both are so beautiful, photo of Ms. Ilean Zhao, President of the China Cat Association.


Lana Tsan is very active in promoting proper care and grooming of \dogs, both in the U.S. and China.


She is the founder of the New China Dog Shows

Editor's Note: We can not criticize if we do not offer help.  The NASA is working desperately to correct a lack of knowledge on dogs.  NASA, The China Kennel Club and other groups, both Military and the Government of China are sharing in the educational efforts and promotion of dog shows.



China Dog Shows & Bears   New China Dog Shows   China Project    NASA Day    NASA Show


Shenyang Classes    Graduation    ASAP China   First Dog Show In Beijing


(Dalin Pet Show    Grooming Show In Shanghai    China Dog Shows & Bears


   New China Dog Shows   China Project  Shenyang Classes    Graduation    ASAP China

NASA Day    NASA Show   Dalin Pet Show    Grooming Show In Shanghai


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