Meet the Pros: The Breeders, Judges, and Handlers who shape the DogSport! The legends we go to for advice and whose memories continue to serve all dogs and the dog fancy. |
Lana Tsan, China Kennel Club VP
Founder of China's first dog registry, Lana inspired and organized purebred dog breeders, veterinarians and groomers through her international travels, lectures and teachings.
I have retired from the show ring and has started investment in Chins in 1992. I then formed The Chinese Pet Traders Association with the idea that the person behind the dog should be remembered as well as their winners because in many cases it is the owner that makes a better dog.
I am now North America Working Dog Association Ltd (Far East) business representative. I am also Vice President of the Quandong (Canton) Millennium Show with the China Kennel Club and is oversea President title from Taiwan.
With the idea that China will be taking over Hong Kong eventually and that China having the laws that banned dogs from all city, it will be a disaster for many dogs in Hong Kong and we work to prevent that.
I serve as Vice President of Small Animal Veterinary Association as we make progress in education here. I am Hon. Chairperson for Association of Small Animal Protection and Consultant for PET Zone Magazine and China Cat Association (Beijing).
Our dog Olympic is 2001 Shenyang show that comes after big show in Beijing (capitol) and I am coordinator for both and consultant also for Qwai Yueng Kennel Club. Our NASA club help with many other kennel clubs.
Editor's Note: Lana contacted one of our companies (Video Express International) in the early 90s. She bought every dog show, National Specialty, and breed information video we produced. This is WHO Lana was - the consummate dog lover and one of the most knowledgeable people it has been my honor to call friend.
Lana Tsan was excited about creation of TheDogPlace.org in 1998. Because of her personal friendship with China's President, it was the first American website to which the people of China had access and remained so for many years.
Lana's insatiable quest for dog knowledge achieved global unification as contributors from Europe, the Orient and far East, South America and Canada enriched TheDogPlace.org. Cultures may differ but we all speak the same language when it comes to dogs!
Postnote: Lana continued to educate dog owners world-wide until shortly before her death in 2011. Copyright © 1998 TheDogPlace.org 2001-2021 15516917112003 https://www.thedogplace.org/ProFiles/Lana-Tsan-Bio-022.asp
Never been to China? Take an armchair photo-tour of Chinese grooming schools and the brand new dog shows as reported by our friend and Science and Advisory Board Member, Lana Tsan.
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