What the TFT can and should be!
Explains fine points, genetics, and type.
Weight, not height, determines purpose, portability, and agility in the TFT.
Top breeders share insight on the most important features and common faults.
An informed discussion of the Breed Standard.
Schematics and photos for ATFTC seminars.

This little TFT serves the community, the elderly - and then doubles as a dock diver!
AKC Specialty Show 2003 - OK City!
The National Toy Fox Terrier Association's Show in Missouri.
Breeder/Judge Interviews
2001 AKC National Specialty Judge
by Richard Beauchamp, Judge
UKC All-Breed Judge, Foxlair TFTs
UKC Multi-Breeds Judge, Phoenix TFTs
comparison of Toy Fox Terriers & Rat Terrier
features Thorsby's Toy Fox Terriers
(contact editor to share your breeding program!)