Why And How ChainLinks Work!


We send visitors directly to you, PLUS links from top ranked sites increase your search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo) ranking. Get ChainLinked to 1.2 million dog owners per year now! (Google Analytics Certified data)


Most reciprocal links are "virtually" invisible to visitors

but the NetPlaces Network ChainLinks are a high-powered engine!


TheDogPlace.org - the world's first canine information site (1998) is the most authoritative website for dog owners. (opens in window so you can explore and return here)


The Dog-e-Book - the first on-line directory (2000) for "everyone who's anyone" in dogs.  Free booster listing with your Chainlink purchase. (opens in window)


TheDogPress.com - the first digital dog news (2002) delivers to 12 times more subscribers than any print publication in the dog fancy. (opens in window)


TheJudgesPlace.com - the first website (2005) by, for, and about AKC and UKC judges. How judges see the sport - and your dog! (opens in window)

1806 https://www.thedogplace.org/Promo/Why-ChainLinks-Work.asp


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