- Global Canine Communication, The World's First Public Website Launched 1998


Dog Meds And Pet Rx


Prescription drugs are the #1 cause of human drug fatalities and FDA approved drugs are the 4th leading cause of death overall.





Barbara "BJ" Andrews, Journalist, AKC Master Breeder


Human drugs have medication warnings but animal owners don't get prescription inserts and in 2019 vets still don't warn of side effects or deadly adverse reactions.


FDA continues to approve deadly veterinary prescriptions even though FDA approved medications are still #1 cause of human drug fatalities, still more than illicit drugs.


So do you really think the FDA's Center For Veterinary Medicine (CVM) is looking out for your DOG'S health and safety?


FDA approved medications are the #1 cause of human drug fatalities.If we accept the premise that FDA supports drug companies while protecting the health and well-being of Americans, we must then ask "who is monitoring veterinary drug safety?"  Many would say that the CVM (Center for Veterinary Medicine) is as corrupt as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) under which it is organized.


The FDA has been characterized as legalized graft, a federal bureaucracy into which $$$ billions in pork (earmarks) are funneled.  On the other hand, before FDA, we unknowingly gave morphine to infants whereas today we have legal drug dealers who distribute through pharmacies and doctors... and in 2019 you can buy lethal drugs on the street...


If this concept shocks you, grab an insulator and hang on because you are about to receive even higher voltage. The knowledge could save your pet's life or even your own.  Prescription medications save countless lives but they must be carefully and rigorously monitored by FDA in order to insure safety.


We were reminded of what can go horribly wrong when the spinal meningitis outbreak occurred in 2012 due to a visibly filthy, contaminated pharmacy that produced corrupted spinal injections for pain patients.  Are human pharmaceuticals tested and monitored more carefully than veterinary prescriptions?  What do you think?


Reliable veterinary fatality records are scanty indeed but a logical person would conclude that your pet's life is even more jeopardized because animal death can so easily be covered up.  Necropsies are rarely mentioned by the vet nor demanded by a distraught owner.  Your Best Friend may sense that the drug is making him feel worse but he can't explain it to you.  That is why TheDogPlace launched the Drugs & DogMeds Project {Ref #1}. If you missed the Proheart recall and the problems with Rimadyl and Deramaxx, you can find those reports in the Drugs Index. 


In 1998 was among the first to demand that "FDA Approved" mean an acceptance of responsibility and responsibility for rigorous monitoring of medications dispensed in veterinary medicine.


Click to open Detailed Dog Medication Conversions


According to MinuteMan 2006, legislators have deliberately obscured the line between bribes and campaign contributions.  Big Pharma has the most influence because it has the biggest market with the highest profit; therefore drug companies can afford the most lavish perks.  The drug companies can also afford retribution for those who try to protect our pets by doing their job!  Here's but one example and it involves a well known veterinary pharmaceutical giant.


Dr. Victoria Hampshire * was a safety officer at the Food and Drug Administration's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)  Dr Hampshire reviewed the safety of ProHeart 6 manufactured by Fort Dodge, a subsidiary of the global drug company Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. She concluded that the heartworm preventative was not safe, noting that it had killed over 500 dogs. That should have been the end of ProHeart 6 but no, Big Pharma has other remedies...


Wyeth convinced the Center For Veterinary Medicine to remove Dr. Hampshire.  There was a meeting between  Wyeth and Dr. Lester Crawford, then-Acting FDA Commissioner.  We're told that the CVM actually gave a PowerPoint presentation showing Dr. Hampshire's purported "conflict of interest" as a veterinarian.  It was called a "-- a trumped-up charge based on her selling of about $200 worth of animal drugs on the Internet over the course of three years."  Apparently Dr. Hampshire wasn't given the chance to respond to Wyeth's charges and instead, she was subsequently subjected to an FDA sting operation and subsequent criminal investigation which "completely exonerated Dr. Hampshire, but she was still kept away from any further involvement with Wyeth products."


Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) wrote Commissioner Crawford, stating "it appears that there is a systemic problem with the pharmaceutical industry filing complaints against FDA employees and advisory panel members in an attempt to exclude those with dissenting views so that [the regulated companies] can obtain favorable results from [regulators."


In a major address on the Senate floor, the Iowa senator went on to declare, "Brave whistleblowers have come forward to expose the too cozy relationship between the [FDA] and the drug industry ... The FDA cannot serve the American people and the interests of the drug industry at the same time."


FDA, DRUGS  & VETERINARY MEDICINEThe Senator's words were carved in stone when despite attempts to tamp down the rising death toll, in November 2006,  FDA "requested" a RECALL of ProHeart 6 and it was indeed, removed from the market.  The details, the lawsuit, background reported by this site. {Ref #2}


Whether they accept bribes or not, the pharmaceutical industry gambles that most drug regulators will look the other way or downplay problems rather than suffer personal persecution.  It works.


We urge you to speak out, report fatalities, and for more current information spend 110 seconds of your valuable time reading Prescribing Death Summary, a concise report on vaccine marketing, human fatalities, cancer and medication costs. Use your back button to return to this page.


{#1} Drugs & DogMeds Project  ~  {#2} Proheart Recall & Lawsuit  ~  Before FDA  ~  Killed By Oral Vaccine  ~  Prescribing Death Video (6 min) EST 1998 © 2010195


DogMeds™ (TheDogPlace 1999) and PetMeds™ (TheDogPlace 2001) can help or harm your dog



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Top Ten reasons to take the dog to a veterinarian, dental, allergies,  ear and skin infections, stomach upsets, eye infection or injury, diarrhea, hip dysplasia.

Top 10 Vet Visits

Dental disease and allergies top this list of preventable problems.

Epileptic Seizures

Convulsions can be prevented or treated depending on the cause.

If your dog shows symptoms of any of these top ten health problems, take him to a good vet because health issues like epilepsy, allergies, thyroid imbalance, dysplasia, and bloat can be managed or prevented; Lymphoma (cancers) and cataracts may need surgery.

Top 10 Dog Diseases

6 linked to damaged immune systems and vaccinosis!


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