How to prevent the top 10 Canine Health reasons for your vet visit, which can include dental disease and allergies which can be from medication reactions or dog food. |
Dental disease and food related allergies are among the most common canine health problems in 2018, a shift that indicates an increasingly inappropriate, unhealthy canine pet food diet.
In 2007 the Top Ten Canine Health Problems were led by cancer, epilepsy, hip dysplasia and bloat. The bloat, i.e. gastric torsion, was attributed to soybean and other gas-producing dog food ingredients which has since been modified.
By 2008 veterinary research had expanded, commercial dog food had improved and owners were better educated about gastric torsion (bloat). We began to see more veterinarians go public with knowledge formerly kept to themselves such as how over-vaccination (instant info) ii Vaccine Reactions can cause other seemingly unrelated problems.
In 2009, the most expensive canine condition (non-cancerous tumor) appeared on the top 10 list and at that time, veterinary visits averaged $335 per visit, while periodontitis/dental disease cost an average of $360 per visit.
By 2010 cancerous lesions and tumors had moved up the list along with allergies which also indicate an immune system problem. Veterinarians began to speculate that malignant tumors, often at the injection site, were the result of over-vaccination. Too many "booster shots" can break down the immune system, thus opening the door to abnormal cell replication and malignant growths.
2011 saw an explosion of new vaccines and protocols agreed to and supported by the AVMA and other veterinary associations. Vaccinosis in animals had yet to be defined but two of our Science and Advisory Board veterinarians were speaking out about the results of over-vaccination. Incredibly, veterinary clinics were beginning to promote doggy dentals while failing to address the problem of removing real BONES from the diet....
2012's top ten reasons for going to the veterinarian were still rotating between ear infections and allergies which often manifest as skin eruptions (instead of sneezing and runny eyes as in humans). Skin infection/hot spots were of course accompanied by itching and scratching) were on the rise. Heartworm prevention, a high profit item promoted by all vets has now been recognized as a common canine allergen. Gastritis/vomiting, enteritis/diarrhea, bladder infection, arthritis, soft tissue trauma, non-cancerous tumors are more common and Vaccinosis was beginning to be a familiar term.
In 2013, the Top Ten Vet Visits List featured rashes, pustules, and lesions diagnosed as Ischemic skin disease, acknowledged as associated with overuse of routine vaccinations. Even more insidious, a new study revealed a "significant post-vaccination neurological and immune system damage" which forced Congress to address vaccine-induced autism in children. If your dog seems forgetful, disoriented, or starts having convulsions, it may be neurological vaccine damage, becoming known as VID ii Vaccine Induced Disease.
In 2014 the top ten reasons for canine vet visits were skin allergies, ear infections, non-cancerous skin mass, skin infection, arthritis, upset stomach-vomiting, intestinal upset-diarrhea, dental disease, bladder or urinary tract disease, and soft tissue trauma (bruise or contusion). More veterinarians have arrived at the opinion that no vaccine should be "routine" and thankfully some states have shifted from yearly rabies shots to three or four-year re-vaccination schedules. Another project completed; most states now accept Medical Exemption Forms for rabies vaccine. Bad news is that problems related to heartworm prevention medication now outnumber the cases of heartworm!
By 2015 the Am. Veterinary Medical Assoc. reported "78% of 1.2 million dogs seen had dental disease and cats were similarly affected." Most veterinarians would agree that canine dental disease was rare and can only be caused by today's diets inappropriate to carnivores. Tooth cleaning is very profitable for the veterinarian. It is usually done by a vet tech under general anesthesia, an added risk your dog does not need! The good news is, you can do teeth cleaning at home with a little patience, practice, and preparation.
You can also prevent dental disease by avoiding canned and dry dog foods that adhere between teeth and along the gum line. Try switching over to "BARF", a bones and raw meat diet that will reduce the incidence of allergies, and reduce your vet bills because a natural diet will keep your dog free of dental disease and improve overall health, Ask your butcher for real raw bones!
In 2018 the most common medical conditions for dogs were: 1.Atopic or allergic dermatitis – average cost to treat: $255 2.Otitis externa (ear problems) – average cost to treat: $172 3.Benign skin neoplasia – average cost to treat: $377 4.Pyoderma – average cost to treat: $128 5.Enteropathy – average cost to treat: $175 6.Gastropathy 7.Degenerative arthritis 8.Periodontitis/Tooth infection – average cost to treat: $400 9.Cystitis or urinary tract infection 10.Anal gland sacculitis/Expression basic veterinary information courtesy of Copyright ? 0811160198
Click to print this ii Veterinary Health Checklist Form for your dogs so you can Take It To The Vet!
For a broader view of why the frequency and seriousness of veterinary visits have increased, see the display information below, read about Anesthesia and Tooth Cleaning and watch this important VIDEO about keeping your dog's teeth clean and healthy. SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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