The FIRST website to track and expose Bad Boosters, Lyme Disease Lies, Mercury Madness, Parvo Prism, Rabies Reactions, and Vaccinosis. |
Many States have revised Rabies Vaccine requirements. Print out Rabies Exemption Form provided by Patricia Jordan, DVM
Everyone who owns an animal with a medical problem, allergies, or one that has suffered a previous reaction to any type of vaccination needs to know the risks of rabies vaccine. Talk to your vet and be sure to ask about lepto or rabies vaccine related Ischemic Skin Disease
TheDogPlace.org launched the net's first Vaccine Information in 1998. We later worked with Kris Christine to promote the rabies challenge fund which has been singularly successful in the battle against mandatory rabies vaccine.
If your state is not on the following list of states that allow medical rabies shot exemptions join the fund and fight to enact Rabies Exemption legislation in your state! If your state is “with it” as regards rabies vaccine, click to thank Kris Christine for her many years of work to protect you and your dog.
These states accept a Medical Rabies Waiver Form signed by a licensed vet:Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Nevada, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia, Wisconsin.
Note: The labels on rabies vaccines state that they are for “the vaccination of healthy cats, dogs...” There are medical conditions for which vaccination can jeopardize the life or well-being of an animal.
Be sure to see Rabid About Rabies Shots! Why the new rabies exemption form or shot waiver may not apply to your dog, what CDC says about canine rabies, and vaccine warnings. TheDogPlace.org EST 1998 © 20101212162
Instant Information on ii Vaccine Facts & History, Chronological coverage of vaccines from 1981's lab-created Parvo to exposing today's health risks of over-vaccination; VID and Vaccinosis SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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