- Global Canine Communication, The World's First Public Website Launched 1998


Dog Meds And Pet Rx


Prescription drugs are the #1 cause of human drug fatalities and FDA approved drugs are the 4th leading cause of death overall.






Rimadyl®, made by Pfizer, Inc. is a useful anti-inflammatory drug with potentially deadly effects. In 2012 AKC and Pfizer entered into a partnership.


Talk about side effects!  After the Lawsuit, AKC and Pfizer become partners. Since 2003, AKC has sold pet insurance so owners can afford veterinary medicines that went sky-high pricing after pet insurance became available.



2006 - Jean Townsend of Johns Island, South Carolina announced today that a settlement has been reached with Pfizer, Inc. in what appears to be the first lawsuit of its kind in this country - a lawsuit over injuries that led to the death of Ms. Townsend's chocolate lab, George.  Ms. Townsend originally brought the lawsuit against Pfizer in October of 1999, two years after the tragic death of George. The lawsuit alleged that the FDA approved drug Rimadyl®, which was the subject of an unprecedented multi-million dollar advertising campaign, was marketed without a complete understanding of the serious side-effects that could result from the drug. Ms. Townsend also alleged that neither she nor her vet were adequately warned of the potential side-effects. After administering the drug for only 14 days, George developed severe internal bleeding and ultimately liver failure. George was euthanized on October 13, 1997. In reaching the settlement, Pfizer has admitted no wrong-doing.


"It was truly horrible," said Townsend of the experience. "But the most troubling aspect of the ordeal was when I later learned that similar side-effects had been reported to Pfizer and the FDA months before I first gave the drug to my dog. Yet even after my pet became sick, I continued to give him the pills because they were supposed to make him feel better. I had no idea that he was suffering from the side-effects of Rimadyl®. It is devastating to live with the realization that I gave my beloved pet medicine to help him when, in fact, it was killing him." After reporting George's death to Pfizer, Ms. Townsend was offered a $249.33 settlement, but the offer came with the condition that the settlement remain confidential. Ms. Townsend refused.


In the months following George's death, Ms. Townsend began researching this drug on the internet and soon discovered dozens of other pet owners who had similar experiences with Rimadyl®. Fueled by the growing number of people whose dogs had become sick or died after taking the drug, Ms. Townsend, along with other concerned pet owners, started a campaign to raise awareness of the potential for serious side-effects with this and other veterinary medicines. As part of that campaign, Ms. Townsend and others met with FDA officials as well as Pfizer veterinarians, urging them to step-up efforts to more thoroughly inform pet owners of the potential for serious side- effects with veterinary medicines.


Unsatisfied with the response of the FDA and Pfizer, Ms. Townsend turned to the legal system and filed a class-action lawsuit. In her suit, Ms. Townsend sought reimbursement of the $734.00 in veterinary expenses she had incurred trying to save George, as well as establishing a class action on behalf of the hundreds of other dog owners whose pets had become ill or died.


In the meantime, reports of adverse reactions to Rimadyl® continued to rise, and in 1998, Rimadyl® accounted for almost 39% of all Adverse Drug Experience Reports received by the FDA. The reports were so numerous that in December of 1999, the FDA took the extraordinary step of issuing a public statement on the drug.


Within months of Ms. Townsend's suit and the "Update on Rimadyl®" issued by the FDA, Pfizer announced significant changes in packaging, and that it would begin dispensing a Client Information Sheet to be included with veterinary prescriptions of Rimadyl®. The Client Information Sheet, modeled after similar drug information sheets included with many human drugs, was to provide pet owners with easily understandable information about the potential side-effects and what to do if side-effects occur.


Ms. Townsend reports that as part of the settlement, Pfizer made cash offers to over 300 other dog owners across the country to settle claims for death or injury to the dog, veterinary expenses, property damage, emotional distress and punitive damages. These individual offers averaged over $1000.00 per animal and did not include a confidentiality provision.


Speaking about the lawsuit and the settlement, Ms. Townsend said, "I am pleased that through this suit, hundreds of other pet owners will be reimbursed for veterinary expenses and the loss of their pets. Of course, no amount of money would ever replace the loss of my friend George, and the loss of so many other beloved companions." But to Ms. Townsend, (who donated her settlement proceeds to a local veterinarian to perform surgery on a pet whose owners could not afford the surgery) the issue is far more than the money paid by Pfizer. It is the growing public awareness that the medications we give our pets can have serious side-effects. "We, as pet owners, have the right to know as much about the good and bad sides of veterinary medicines as we do the medicines we give ourselves."

(Always for George - Always for the Rimadyl Dogs)

MORE ON RIMADYL® Information available in



We thank Jane Sinclair for providing the following information in the continuing saga of the Pfizer product known as Rimadyl®.


Jane says, "The Doris Day Animal League magazine, "Animal Guardian" had an article on Rimadyl® in the Fall, 2000 issue, page 17.




Miracle Cure Can Be Deadly.  The best-selling drug known as Rimadyl ®, which has enjoyed remarkable success as an anti-inflammatory medicine for pets, has been found to be deadly for some dogs, as witnessed by the FDA receiving more than 6,000 bad reaction reports about the drug manufactured by Pfizer. As a result, the FDA requested that Pfizer advise consumers in their advertising that death was a possible side effect. Pfizer refused and pulled their advertising, however they have included "death" as a possible side effect on the drug label. Plans call for a "Dear Doctor" letter to be issued to veterinarians and a safety sheet will be attached to pill packages.


Pfizer acknowledges a problem with some dog owners, especially the consumer group which mounted a campaign dubbed BARKS, for Be Aware of Rimadyl's Known Side-effects (including loss of appetite, wobbling, vomiting, seizures and severe liver malfunction). The drug company is reported to be contacting pet owners who have told their stories on the Internet, and is offering to pay medical and diagnostic expenses for some dogs who may have been harmed by Rimadyl ®.


Rimadyl sales continue to grow as does support from veterinarians.  While the drug has proved helpful to many dogs with arthritis, it has proven deadly to some dogs. Make sure if your veterinarian prescribes Rimadyl ® that you thoroughly discuss the possible side effects so you can carefully monitor your dog's health.




This is a major breakthrough in our education campaign for responsible use of this drug.


Jane Sinclair - for Misty & all the Rimadyl dogs.  BARKS (Be Aware of Rimadyl's Known Side-effects)



An interesting August 2006 sidebar from Jean Sinclair having to do with Animal Suffering & Pfizer:


source: Corporate Watch


"11. Animal suffering


Pfizer uses animals to test its products. But of course, as a company with high stakes in animal health care, Pfizer claims to be "your pet’s best friend". Pfizer gives its customers advice on ‘what to do when your best friend (your pet) is hurt.’ e.g., in case of osteoarthritis, when you notice the symptoms, you’re being encouraged to see your veterinarian and ask him/her about Rimadyl®, a pain relief medication that can help a dog suffering from arthritis. Rimadyl is supposed to relieve pain, ‘allowing for increased activity and freedom of movement, thereby improving a dog's quality of life’.[58]


"But many dog-owners saw the quality of their dog’s life deteriorate instead. Jean Townsend filed a class-action lawsuit was on Oct. 12 1999 on behalf herself and other dog owners whose dogs had suffered or died after taking Rimadyl® (the ‘miracle drug’ for arthritis heavily advertised by Pfizer).


Jean Townsend’s dog’s situation deteriorated fast after taking Rimadyl, to the point where he had to be euthanized. Quite a few other dogs, it turned out, had suffered adverse reactions to Rimadyl as well. The class-action lawsuit alleged that Pfizer Inc. knew about the adverse side effects, and did little to communicate them to pet owners [59].




DogMeds™ (TheDogPlace 1999) and

PetMeds™ (TheDogPlace 2001) can help or harm your dog.



DogMeds™ (TheDogPlace 1999) and PetMeds™ (TheDogPlace 2001) can help or harm your dog



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Prescribing Death, The sick truth about prescription drugs and vaccines.

Prescribing Death

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Pfizer, Inc, makers of Rimadyl, settles lawsuit but like ancient Mayan shape shifter, morphs into Zoetis veterinary meds

Pfizer Shape Shifting

Pfizer shedding its animal health division after settling lawsuits.

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Malpractice Deaths

Dogs can die from tooth cleaning and poor vet practices.


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