- Global Canine Communication


PAWS - Pet Animal Welfare Statute, Introduced by Rick Santorum in 2005, was the worst animal legisistion ever!  Puppy mills were exempt but show breeders and hobby dog breeders would have become non-existant.



Animal Rights began in 1800s England, migrated to America in the 70's, and is exemplified by the 2005 Pet Animal Welfare Statute, disingenuously called PAWS




Really Big Legislative Questions


We are trying to interview Dr. Holt, AKC's Legislative point man and Senator Rick Santorum, who introduced PAWS, the Pet Animal Welfare Statute to Congress.


Dr. Holt is , Senator Santorum was the sponsor of the soundly defeated Animal Welfare Amendment (AWA) which was subsequently brought to court by DDAL and again defeated. Precedent notwithstanding, he has now co-sponsored the PAWS Amendment. This time instead of being vigorously opposed by AKC, he has been joined by the American Kennel Club as well extremist animal rights groups such as HSUS.


Our politician friends say the Senators silence is untypical and may be rightfully interpreted as thumbing his nose at those who will be primarily affected by this amendment, and not inconsequently, the average pet-owning voter! There is so far, an amazing void, a notable silence from his office, almost as though he figures AKC and HSUS can handle it.


PAWS Legislation


The 1966 AWA (Animal Welfare Act) morphed into PAWS in 2005 (supported by AKC, HSUS, Dick Durban (D-IL) and Rick Santorum R-PA.


Today Animal Rights have handcuffed all animal owners under the Federal Animal Rights Law USDA/APHIS which protects giant food producers and puppy mills by putting family farmers and hobby breeders out of business.

One might also assume there is a reason PETA and DDAL have been equally quiet on this issue. We are told that anti-animal legislation has exploded all across the country, coinciding with the introduction of PAWS. Can it be coincidence? If not, then are we only seeing diversionary tactics? Which is to divert our attention from what? Are there more of "them" than there are of us? Have they so completely infiltrated our ranks, both on the local and national level that even within our most trusted and powerful ally, the American Kennel Club, we were defeated before the sabers rattled?


From those who have attended his lectures and read Dr., James Holt's widely distributed writings, he is not offering information as much as he is campaigning for PAWS. He is said to avoid questions from those trying to understand both sides of the issue and he has liberally misquoted the actual PAWS Amendment. That is believable only because AKC has also misquoted the wording and intent of PAWS right on it's website and in my interviews with AKC staff.


Other influential people have written voraciously against PAWS and flayed the AKC board for pushing such hurtful legislation. How can any of this be happening? If we can't trust AKC to stand by us, the people who support the Mission and purpose of the AKC, then who can we trust?


We are the show breeders, judges, handlers and dog clubs characterized as the backbone of the sport. We are the people who produce the best and the healthiest dogs in the world and We are AKC customers and supporters. Where is our support from AKC? Non-existent! We have been summarily ignored but worse yet, we have been betrayed by the American Kennel Club!


Did you read our coverage on AKC President Dennis Sprung campaigning with the Senator? Dennis! A true blue dog man, married to a popular show breeder for all these many years. People want to know why Dr. Holt withdrew from the carefully and professionally structured presidential-style debate arranged by the NC Federation Of Dog Clubs? Was one factor the release of Jeff Helsdon's 55 page Legal Opinion [1], considered by most to be the most accurate and defining report thus far. Why would anyone not welcome the opportunity to debate Cindy Cooke, a most respectable, informed, objective attorney? Why all the subterfuge and still unanswered questions on the Raleigh snafu?


Reference Information:


Copyright ? 20051710



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1st On PAWS - Intro

AWA morphed into PAWS (Pet Animal Welfare Statute) handcuffing breeders.

Santorum Slips On PAWS

A lesson for 2018: Do dog owners still stand up for American Rights?



Santorum visits AKC and picks up $29,000 in donations from board officers.


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