- Global Canine Communication, The World's First Public Website Launched 1998




Federal & State Laws that usurp our legal Rights are often driven by animal "rights" and animal "welfare" organizations, learn about HUMAN RIGHTS vs. ANIMAL RIGHTS!





Texas HB1451 allows warrantless search and property seizure, it was The Alamo for dog breeders but all American citizens lost legal rights to Animal Rights!


Texas is one of the top five economies in the world! It carries a ton of political weight and is therefore a primary target for animal "rights" advocates. Dog owners who failed to fight HB1451 don’t deserve the love of a dog. That may sound harsh but that’s how we see it.


Texas Governor Rick Perry signed HB 1451 into law, stripping the rights of Texans and giving an economic green light to puppy mills. If you think that’s an exaggeration, let us put it this way. Our editor liked him for the Presidential race because, as she said, his opponents were not much better as regards privacy law and animal rights. Do your own research if you are interested in any candidate’s philosophy and legislative record.


Do you plan to breed a litter this year? Okay, so do you want to be subjected to unannounced inspections of your home? How about being required to report sales and pay states fees and face outrageous fines for minor violations?


He's going to legally enter your home, search, and potentially sieze (confiscate) your animals!Did you say “no way!” Well wait a minute. HB1451 allows legal entry into your home without a warrant and when no one is there!


But there’s more. This legislation will spread like green slime in a monster movie because it includes a "bounty fund" with which to pay people to report you to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR.)


Texas Bounty Hunters collect up to $1000 each time they turn in a breeder who is someway, somehow, “non-compliant.” Wow! We could be seeing a new Animal Planet series. If you run on female puppies in order to decide which one to keep for the next generation, you could be in violation right there.


Texan Shirley Lawler first brought this to our attention, saying it was ii The Alamo for dog breeders and it would spread from Texas.


Watch out for Bounty Hunters because what passed in Texas is comin’ your way.


State Of Mine and Federal Legislation affects YOU so watch your back trail, the Bounty Hunter may be gunnin' for you.  Here's some Instant Info on ii Protecting Your Privacy and another Home Invasion in VA.


Instant!!! Contact Information for ii YOUR Governor, Senators, and Congressional Representatives

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