Shiloh Shepherd Top breeder, Quality Shiloh Shepherd puppies, Shiloh Shepherd breeding program, Miniature Bull Terrier Breeders, Miniature Bull Terrier puppy, Shiloh Shepherd litter Shiloh Shepherd INDEX | AKC & UKC Shiloh Shepherd Breed Standards, Top Shiloh Shepherd breeder, Quality Shiloh Shepherd puppies, Shiloh Shepherd breeding program, Shiloh Shepherd Breeders, Shiloh Shepherd puppy, Shiloh Shepherd litter CERTIFIED Shiloh Shepherd BREEDERS | AKC & UKC Shiloh Shepherd Breed Standards, Top Shiloh Shepherd breeder, Quality Shiloh Shepherd puppies, Shiloh Shepherd breeding program, Shiloh Shepherd Breeders, Shiloh Shepherd puppy, Shiloh Shepherd litter Shiloh Shepherd REFERENCE & INFORMATION INDEX | AKC & UKC Shiloh Shepherd Breed Standards, Top Shiloh Shepherd breeder, Quality Shiloh Shepherd puppies, Shiloh Shepherd breeding program, Shiloh Shepherd Breeders, Shiloh Shepherd puppy, Shiloh Shepherd litter


Shiloh Shepherd Information & Reference



Shiloh Shepherd Breed Standard, Health, Grooming, Judging The Shiloh Shepherd.  Shiloh breeders and Shiloh Shepherd puppies for sale!


Shiloh Shepherd Dog Club of America

official parent club for the

International Shiloh Shepherd Registry

since 1991


The ISSR Shiloh Shepherd Standard


The Shiloh Shepherd Story

Tina Barber has dedicated her life to creating the perfect protector and companion.


Evolution Of Judging



Rule Of Fives



Exclusive Interviews

Tina Barber


If you or someone you know should be interviewed,

call (800) 215-1178

Remembering Tina Barber

by Fred Lanting, Tina Barber passed away May 30th, 2011 but through faith she created a legacy for all Shiloh Shepherd breeders.


My Shiloh Breeding Program

by Shiloh Shepherd Founder Tina Barber


Shiloh Shepherd LMX Hip Formula

How to reduce incidence of hip dysplasia.


Your Dog Could Be The Reflections Example



Ch. Best Ever Humble Pie

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See examples:

Shiloh Shepherd Founder: Shiloh Shepherd Program

ACA Awarded #1 My Akita Breeding Program

Int'l Foundation: Miniature Bull Terrier Program

AKC Foundation: Coton Breeding Program


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