DOG BREED INDEX | Top Tibetan Mastiff breeder, Quality Tibetan Mastiff puppies, Tibetan Mastiff breeding program, Tibetan Mastiff Breeders, Tibetan Mastiff puppy, Tibetan Mastiff litter TIBETAN MASTIFF INDEX | AKC & UKC Tibetan Mastiff Breed Standards, Top Tibetan Mastiff breeder, Quality Tibetan Mastiff puppies, Tibetan Mastiff breeding program, Tibetan Mastiff Breeders, Tibetan Mastiff puppy, Tibetan Mastiff litter CERTIFIED TIBETAN MASTIFF BREEDERS | AKC & UKC Tibetan Mastiff Breed Standards, Top Tibetan Mastiff breeder, Quality Tibetan Mastiff puppies, Tibetan Mastiff breeding program, Tibetan Mastiff Breeders, Tibetan Mastiff puppy, Tibetan Mastiff litter TIBETAN MASTIFF REFERENCE & INFORMATION INDEX | AKC & UKC Tibetan Mastiff Breed Standards, Top Tibetan Mastiff breeder, Quality Tibetan Mastiff puppies, Tibetan Mastiff breeding program, Tibetan Mastiff Breeders, Tibetan Mastiff puppy, Tibetan Mastiff litter - 1st in Global Canine Communication


Tibetan Mastiff Information


The magnificent Tibetan Mastiff caught the dog world's eye on the telecast of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in Feb. 2009 when the enormous but stately Tibetan Mastiff received a Working Group placement, setting a new record for newly AKC recognized breed.

The Tibetan Mastiff In China

© TheDogPlace July 27, 2009


We present Part 2 of a three part pictorial series direct from Lana Tsan a member of our Science and Advisory Board, who lived in China, and travels all over the world seeking and sharing information on dogs.


2009 Lanzhou Tibetan Mastiff Specialty May 10th 2009 – Judge, Jan den Hoed of Holland(Pictured to the left is the May 10th 2009 Lanzhou Tibetan Mastiff Specialty. Judge Jan den Hoed of Holland. This is part of the Adult Male Class.)


Nowadays Tibetan mastiff although is listed as cities are listed as two categories. The breed is actually everywhere. Not un-like the Sharpei. For Instance, there is the original type and the Sharpei-like type (which has a loose mouth and red haw (hanging eye lid) and even cherry eye.


2009 Lanzhou Tibetan Mastiff Specialty May 10th 2009 - BISS & BOS(Pictured to the right is the Tibetan Mastiff Best In Specialty Show (BISS) and BOS)


But these are not in the original type of dogs. They are very healthy although I hesitate to say that they might find our world a bit polluted to exist in after living in its pristine mountain range and high altitude where most germs could not exist.


2009 Lanzhou Tibetan Mastiff Specialty May 10th 2009 - BISSPictured to the left is the 2009 Lanzhou Tibetan Mastiff Specialty Best In Specialty Show Winner)


For us to challenge living in their environment of over 3000 – 4000 meters above the sea level is testing our endurance and health.


The student that went with Philip on the 2004 trip has high mountain fever and has to get down immediately with some of the guide and cars. This nearly called a halt to the expedition and that is only at over 3000+ meters only 2 days out.


2009 kennel visit in Lanzhou - the first kennel with an extensive library.So everyone who enters the realm of the Tibetan mastiff enters at their own risk with high altitude of nature to defeat and also dogs that has grown wild and become predators in no man’s land.


At right is the 1st Kennel in Lanzhou we visited in 2009, which has an extensive library.


2009 kennel visit in Lanzhou - this is the second kennelPictured to the left is the 2nd Kennel visited.


Nomads will leave their Tibetan mastiff bitches in season outside their tent tied to stakes for wild dogs to come down to mate. The dogs will come down in pairs, males like lions.


They traveled in packs of males each comfortable with each other and they do not fight for mating rights (this refers to dogs in the same pack) but rather wait for their turn.


TIBETAN MASTIFF at 2nd kennel in Lanzhou - Mr. Wong with one of the dogs.Also as the Nomads travels from place to place in search of greener pasture for their herd. They will only take a puppy that they will want usually at the same year of their children. If you ask a Nomad what is the age of their dog they will ask their wife what year is their child.


(Picture on right is Mr. Wong at the 2nd kennel with one of the dogs who seemed to enjoy his presence.)



At the third kennel Jan is presented with an authentic yak collar.  This is a rare collector‘s piece as they are no longer made.  Only when a nomad family has a dog that they want to be blessed by the Llama, to be retain in the family as their guardian.  This is not something that money can buy.

It is also customary for them to have a ferocious dog tied next to the white tent.


The white tent is where their daughters not married will live. The dog is for their protection.


So you run the risk of being chased by both domestic and wild dogs in this rugged land.


The nomad will not sell a puppy but when they leave for greener pasture they will leave leash the bitch and leave extra puppy to fend for themselves.


The Tibetan mastiff has to follow the herd and track for 13 hours per day if not more.TIBETAN MASTIFF - 3rd kennel - PRESENTED with a MODEL


Pictured to the right, at the 3rd Kennel, the highlight of the day was that all the dogs were the original type and Jan was presented with a model of the Tibetan mastiff.


Pictured below on the left is a very "typey" bitch and the owner is also a beauty.


"TYPEY" TIBETAN MASTIFF with Beautiful OwnerIn coming down to our world one has to descend like diving into the deep sea, you have to allow rest at each level of descent in order to acclimatize.


TIBETAN MASTIFF KENNELMany Tibetan mastiffs are killed when the descent to our city is too direct and too fast and some descents can leave permanent damage to the Tibetan Mastiff's brain, hence they become a bit mad.


(Pictured to the right is the last kennel we visited before we left)


Visit Related Links on Dog Shows and Other Dog Information from China:

The Tibetan Mastiff - Prt 1      The Tibetan Mastiff - Prt 3     New China Dog Shows     Bears, Dog Shows, & Cruelty


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