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BULLDOG BREEDER INTERVIEWBarbara Andrews / © TheDogPlace November 2009
Kim Lindemoen has been in Bulldogs since the 1960's and in addition to occasional litters, she bred and trained English Bulldogs for movies and television.
We are honored to have Kim share the knowledge gained over the last forty years in Bulldogs in this exclusive interview.
WHAT IS THE SINGLE BIGGEST MISCONCEPTION ABOUT YOUR BREED? KL: Many people are afraid of Bulldogs because of their face but our temperaments are that of a very kind and loving dog that just loves children!
When you study history you will see that his looks were created by man for a purpose. So people that say everything that’s wrong with a dog is in a bulldog is a very uneducated person.
WHAT IS THE BULLDOG’S MOST DEFINING PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTIC? KL: I would say their movement, they have a rolling gate that is a little peculiar as compared with other breeds because of the loose jointed sidewise motion giving the impression of a roll. People say it’s a “head breed” but balance is a very key word.
WHICH BEHAVIORAL CHARACTERISTIC MOST TYPIFIES THE BREED? KL: Holding on to toys and not letting go, this is instinct, I never taught them tug of war. Owners should work on release of a toy with a reward.
WHAT IS THE MOST COMMON JUDGING MISTAKE IN YOUR BREED? KL: Very few Judges take the time to look at the nose. It is the most points (6pts) because it is the lifeline of the bulldog. He has a flat throat and that’s why we need the nostrils large and wide. Also, to confuse fatness with substance, an overweight bulldog does not convey the required characteristics of the breed.
WOULD YOU PREFER THE BREED BE JUDGED STANDING OR MOVING? KL: I think the movement of the Bulldog is the most beautiful thing when it’s correct. Seeing the rear legs through the front legs when they are coming towards you shows they have correct pear shape.
WHAT COSMETIC ALTERATIONS SHOULD JUDGES KNOW ABOUT? KL: The use of eyeliner, and coloring of the nose, oh, and too much chalking.
DOES THE BREED NEED DAILY, WEEKLY, OR MONTHLY GROOMING? KL: Pretty much with a Bulldog, it’s once a month. If showing, sometimes a weekly bath but generally once a month. We use unscented baby wipes on them for their nose wrinkles.
KL: As I said, the nares (nostrils) being pinched, but also, not enough neck on the Bulldog because without the correct neck it shortens the trachea and creates a breathing problem.
COULD BULLDOGS BE OFF-LEASH AT A SCHOOL PICNIC OR DOG PARK? KL: No, I wouldn’t turn a Bulldog loose because they go over to be happy and play with the other dogs but our breed scares other dogs. The Bulldog is a happy-go-lucky dog and they want to run and play, but the other dogs look at him as a threat and get scared and will either run from him or turn on a Bulldog.
WHAT ARE THE THREE WORDS THAT BEST DESCRIBE YOUR BREED? KL: Brick shaped head, pear shaped body. All of a heap with a dour expression. (Florence Savage Workshop).
Handler Interview with Kim Lindemoen, a top Movie and TV Dog Stars Trainer, shares training secrets and great moments on the set with famous movie stars. 0911169 https://www.thedogplace.org/ShowPlace/INTV-Lindemoen-Bulldog-0911.asp
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