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Dog Meds And Pet Rx


Prescription drugs are the #1 cause of human drug fatalities and FDA approved drugs are the 4th leading cause of death overall.





Barbara "BJ" Andrews, First published 2005, updated 2019


... and a heap of truth. Take two when your veterinarian prescribes steroids, anti-depressants, flea spray or heartworm prevention, it could save your dog's health.


If you never question the pet medications your veterinarian hands out, find out why the best prescription may be none at all...


A grain of salt and a heap of truth, taken with a big dose of skepticism, will save you untold expense and disagreeable, even fatal side effects. Get the cure. 


Start by knowing that Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) are the 5th leading cause of human death.  Okay, while you are savoring that bit of information...

Remember the sudden outbreak of parvo virus back in eighties?  The first vaccine caused temporary sterility in stud dogs and infertility or prolonged whelping in bitches.  By the next year and release of "real" canine parvo vaccine, things quieted down.


It is worth noting that prior to the 1980s onslaught of new vaccines, which coincided with the switch to prepared foods instead of table scraps, few breeders ever experienced infertility problems.  See Reproductive Index for in-depth info.


Parvovirus was deadly due to extreme diarrhea and rapid dehydration. The ridiculous story that the “newly mutated virus" had “erupted at the Collie Nationals” made no sense because in little more than a week, parvo cases were confirmed in England!  Imagine smuggling a hard-to-hide Collie past U.K. quarantine!  There quickly followed more "outbreaks" in other countries including Australia which also has rigid quarantine regulations.


Forget the prescription, take a big dose of common sense.


Looking at the fraud and risk in prescription medications, including veterinary prescriptionsThis editor and Dr. Erbeck (writing for TheDog newpaper) agreed that parvo was much more likely to have erupted in a laboratory than a dog show. Open your mind to an indisputable fact; beginning in the 80s we were tricked into taking prescriptions and vaccines that were often worse than the disease.  By 2016 Adverse Drug Reactions had caused more human deaths than diabetes.


You will remember that Vioxx and several other dangerous prescriptions were taken off the market but others remain, in part because pharmaceuticals are incredibly profitable.  We are  bombarded by clever commercials promising everything from sexual success to mental clarity and no more dry eyes.  Funny eh?  Mental clarity and good eyes can't help us see expensive prescriptions for diseases not yet invented!


Prescription "Drugs" Truth Escaped Corporate Board Rooms

Case in point, tobacco had a thousand-year history of safe use before addictive chemicals were added.  The tobacco companies settled but that was only a blip on the radar screen compared to risky prescription drugs peddled by doctors coerced by the pharmaceutical companies that helped them through school.  Fortunately, I don’t make a living in the medical industry so despite threats from Merck and Pfizer, I will continue to be gagged only by the awful truth.


You’ve heard about the war on drugs.  To protect ourselves and our pets, we must realize that the real drug war is not unregulated, i.e. untaxed drugs.  It is the legal marketing of dangerous, addictive prescription drugs!   See Drugs We Used Before FDA Approved Prescriptions below.  Some of you old timers will remember that we drank cocaine and gave opium to our kids and we may not be much better off today as regards prescriptions.  Research homeopathic remedies.  For most prescription drugs, there’s a safer, natural, and infinitely less expensive alternative.


As an aside, the battle against CODEX law was won in June 2005, in part due to the growth of internet and sites such as  CODEX would have prevented us from buying vitamins like “C”, “E”, and B-complex without a prescription.  Thank this website and legislators like Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, who has steadfastly protected our rights to vitamins and supplements.  In 2014 CODEX caused an uproar between the United Nations and the World Health Organization.  The pharmaceutical giants have not given up on banning "alternative" health remedies.  Despite it being an election year there are rumblings that the U.S. may be part of a deal to bring CODEX back before 2016 ends.


Pet Prescriptions Have Less Regulatory Oversight

Take a close look when your vet says your pet needs this prescription or that.  And while researching the medication, beware seeded prescription information on health sites because pharmaceutical companies pay people to "work" chats, facebook, etc. 


There are thousands of websites pandering to our fear of illness - a fear fed by the medical industry.  If you can’t document the science, avoid the prescription, uh, like the plague!  Double the caution for pet prescriptions because your dog can't tell you how bad he feels since you started him on heartworm meds or used new flea prevention.


Animals get cancer nowadays, more so than ever.  Cancer treatment is the most clouded and protected arena in medicine. In some states a medical doctor can lose his license if he recommends any treatment for cancer other than “slash, burn, and poison” meaning surgery, radiation, and chemo. Do your own research on any diagnosed pet illness.


Andrews on Veterinary Prescriptions and common sensePet prescriptions are a murky mess because the animals can’t talk and the greedy get by with murder.  In fact, many state legislatures have actually passed laws designed to protect incompetent veterinarians (and doctors) instead of the animals and their owners! (see ref 1, 2, 3) YOU can make a difference. 


Start by spending 3 minutes in the Prescription Inserts Project (opens in window) and see what you, your club and dog friends can do by exploring the information below.


(1) Veterinary Legislation demands Disclosure (2) Veterinary Malpractice Law because

Pets die every day at the hands of incompetent or negligent vets which is why states are reacting

3) SC Veterinary Practice Passes and see Drugs We Used Before FDA Approved Prescriptions

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Prescribing Death, The sick truth about prescription drugs and vaccines.

Prescribing Death

The sick truth about DogMeds and human prescription medications.

Prescription drugs and veterinary medications can cause deadly allergic reactions.

Adverse Reactions

Over 167,000 reports each year; how to quickly diagnose your dog.

This dog is very sick, depressed and needs to go to the veterinarian

HGE Gastroenteritis

Symptoms are bloody diarrhea which can rapidly progress to death!


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