- Global Canine Communication, The World's First Public Website Launched 1998




Federal & State Laws that usurp our legal Rights are often driven by animal "rights" and animal "welfare" organizations, learn about HUMAN RIGHTS vs. ANIMAL RIGHTS!




INTERNET PRIVACY PROTECTION? 2012 legislative bills SOPA and PIPA would limit your access to unbiased dog information.


If passed, you lose the Right to Fight Animal Rights Legislation. No more searching for unbiased information on legislation affecting animal ownership, dog breeding, nutrition, or veterinary care.


Protect free, unrestricted internet access, freedom of choice, and freeddom of informationSOPA and PIPA (privacy and copyright protection bills) would put the burden on website owners to police user-contributed material and would block entire sites. Non-commercial websites such the NetPlaces Network trio of,, and won’t have the financial resources with which to defend themselves from a politically biased (paid-lobbyist) privacy attack.


Hitting the nail on the head, NRA spokesman Wayne LaPierre opened with a zinger at a few years ago at CPAC. "Sunstein is a radical animal rights extremist who makes PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) look like cheerleaders with pooper-scoopers."


In case anyone missed the Animal Rights connection, he went on to characterize Cass Sunstein as "a man who wants to give legal standing to animals so they can sue you for eating meat." predicted the internet was a target for radical animal rights advocate Cass Sunstein[1]. He was President Obama’s new communications Regulatory Czar - the guy who wrote papers on “cognitive infiltration” of chat lists, social networks and websites in order to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.”


These two bills are just the beginning; there will be more restrictions added on free, accessible internet. Sites which we depend on for broad based, reliable information, sites such as Wikipedia, may not survive.


Wikipedia says “SOPA and PIPA are not the answer[2]: they will fatally damage the free and open Internet." Wikipedia warns that the "internet privacy bills" put the burden on website owners to police user-contributed material and call for the unnecessary blocking of entire sites. Small sites won't have sufficient resources to defend themselves. Big media companies may seek to cut off funding sources for their foreign competitors, even if copyright isn't being infringed. Foreign sites will be blacklisted, which means they won't show up in major search engines. SOPA and PIPA build a framework for future restrictions and suppression."


Like many bills that fly through Congress, the "cure" that SOPA and PIPA represent is worse than the disease. Cass Sunstein and other rabid bureaucrats can use SOPA and PIPA to stifle the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) which insures access to government records under a presumption of disclosure wherein the burden to suppress is that of the government.


In 2017 AKC has become so commercialized that it automatically captures visitor information and often fails to provide the dog-related information you were seeking.


And by the way, have you read Google’s new take it or leave it “privacy policy”[3]? We love Google but its rapid rise rivals grandma’s yeast rolls.  Here's some Instant Info on ii Protecting Your Privacy.


[1] Cass Sunstein, Animal Rights Czar

[2] : Protests Against SOPA and PIPA

[3] Google Privacy Policy


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