- Global Canine Communication, The World's First Public Website Launched 1998




Most shelters and breed rescues are genuine and desperately need your support but check before you donate.





Joseph Byer, Jr., Rights Research Editor


Does international dog trafficking of feral street dogs carrying diseases your pet isn’t inoculated against threaten you and your family?


The larger and more active rescue groups are importing street dogs from Asia and Latin countries for shelter adoptions here. These dogs all come with a sad tale designed to garner sympathy. The funds required to engage in the international canine trade is considerable.


In an attempt to increase donations it appears there is escalation in the marketing of today’s rescues as family pets. The following excerpt is only one of many recent published examples aiming at soliciting more funding. While this case is so unrealistic it stretches credibility, it is a direct quote.


“A few weeks ago we sent out a desperate plea to help XX who suffers from extreme ANXIETY and is DEAF. This beautiful pit-bull mix was surrendered to us by her previous home who could no longer handle her escalating anxiety issues. XX HURTS HERSELF when contained in a kennel or crate trying to get out, CAN JUMP 7 FT FENCES, cannot be alone without HAVING A MELTDOWN and in fact, her anguish was so great that several veterinarians suggested we euthanize her.


“We were able to connect to a facility in Texas who specializes in deaf dogs with acute issues like XX …They agreed to take her …. “


“We are asking you to HELP US TODAY RECOVER THE COST of (her) very expensive care SO WE CAN CONTINUE to rescue dogs like her:


“Costs to date: Total: $13,890. Please click on this link to donate to XX Fund.”


Before you rush to write a check or donate online, let’s do the math on this particular dog.


If L.A. County Shelters were to apply similar resources to the 200 dogs per day they euthanize, it would amount to $2,778,000, nearly THREE MILLION DOLLARS … EVERY DAY – SEVEN DAYS A WEEK … 52 WEEKS A YEAR. That would create an annual budget in excess of ONE BILLION DOLLARS which is a big chunk of the entire United States annual budget.


When radical rescue is willing to spend nearly $14k on one deeply flawed animal it demonstrates emotional irrationality in their approach. How many more dogs less afflicted could be saved with just a small piece of that huge investment? Such rescue goals are simply impractical, unrealistic and unattainable in this world where other rules apply.


So with that dose of reality, the conclusion must be that personalizing pleas with a handicapped dog is a new revenue raising stratagem.


Here’s a little truth for you. Should your choice be a rescue dog you will be getting an unknown mutt, with unknown diseases or psychological problems, no training, and no guarantees or refunds.


With a purebred dog from a reputable breeder, you’ll get a healthy, well-adjusted family dog with a complete health history and a contractual obligation to offer a refund. Choose wisely.

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