All About The Show Dog
Most pet owners have “great expectations”. Reputable dog breeders consider this and use dogs with positive health clearances and mental soundness - but not always. |
DO YOU KNOW YOUR BREED'S HISTORY?E. Katie Gammill, Emeritus AKC Judge
Multi-Group AKC judge says it is impossible with Golden Doodles, Malti-Poos and other designer dogs that have no breed history and thus health and behavioral genetics are unknown.
Dogs come in all colors, shapes, sizes and abilities depending upon the dog’s origin and the owner's need during that time period. People depended on dogs for food and protection, thus dogs were bred to herd, to guard, and to hunt diverse quarry from birds to lions.
For centuries breeding pairs were carefully chosen for genetic attributes that best afforded them the stamina and ability to perform. Through that early history the predictable “pure bred" dog evolved. Today we can choose size, temperament, care involved, environmental requirements, health, and behavior by selecting a purebred dog breed.
Reputable dog breeders DO NOT cross-breed, i.e. produce less than stellar “mutts” of no distinction. Such offspring (often called "Designer Dogs") may be sold at extravagant prices but when inferior “pure" breeds are crossed with other breeds, the offspring may inherit the poor health and behavior problems of the breeds involved.
Without knowing the physical, behavioral and instinctive genetics, there is no predictable way to know what the “surprise package” will be at maturity.
The point is, reputable AKC dog breeders certify the health and characteristics of registered breeding stock. The American Kennel Club and dog fanciers spend large sums of money addressing and eradicating genetic problems but since cross-breeders keep no records, health and longevity are a moot point. Once the “doodle puppy” is purchased and the check is cashed, the breeder is unresponsive, unapproachable or GONE!
What the AKC considers faults or disqualifications, the mongrel owner often considers unique, unusual, and desirable! Don’t fall for that. You may be told that your dog is scruffy because of a terrier ancestor or its oval paws are the Bearded Collie, the strong curved tail is just like a Cardigan Corgis but "designer dogs" usually only have one thing in common - a strong reproductive system. Those that don't are "discarded."
I wanted to make this article amusing but there is nothing funny about mixed up breeds, i.e. "designer dogs." We are up to our proverbial butts in alligators and the water is rising. We must take a stand for purebred dogs. As older breeders of purebred dogs pass on, younger ones must take up the torch to preserve and protect their purebred dog's purpose and history.
Everyone should have the privilege of choosing a predicable purebred dog that fits their lifestyle and of enjoying that bond for years to come. If you feel differently, Bark Back and let us know. TheDogPlace.org EST 1998 © 2103052306 https://www.thedogplace.org/ShowPlace/do-you-know-your-breed-history-k20G032.asp SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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