Dog Stories, Prose And Poetry


Old dogs, war dogs, puppies or strays,

Poetry has power to brighten our days.




The Spirit of US in Equus

by Jack Vance

December 24, 2008 Santa Ynez California


HORSE & DOG TRAINERS UNDERSTANDOh you of speed and power with beauty unexcelled
You have carried me upon your back close to Heaven and near Hell

You have done my bidding through out the days less falter in your step
You please me in so many ways I often feel inept

When I think I understand you I sometimes often find
The thoughts I am really having you have planted in my mind

For more than half a century you have pulled my Heart Strings tight
Now as I look ahead this day I see the end in sight

The burls of life have come and gone but our partnership remains
Mostly because of you my friend who looks not for personal gain

The end of travel that I see is not for us to fret
For the bridges we’ have built are ones of love and sweat

We have had our time in this world to build that bridge of trust
Now others who might follow can see it was a must

Admittedly I'm not the greatest trainer, heck I'm not even renowned
But then you are not the greatest horse, just the best one that’s around EST 1998 © 1004



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