- Global Canine Communication, The World's First Public Website Launched 1998




Launched in 1998 when bad  POLITICS , pet laws, risky DogMeds, animal rights terrorists and shelters that should but don't (!), became  PROJECTS  and dog owners got  RESULTS! 






Is it because there's no glory or $$$ in saving breeders? Did you know that many of the dogs we automatically dub “puppy mill rescues” were once top winning champions? Why do we shun dog breeders who fall on hard times, health, or emotional problems?


Why do so many dog fanciers not fancy the people who love dogs? Why do we rescue the dogs and condemn the people just when they need us most?


You’ve heard about the more than 80 “Wolfeboro Great Danes” rescued in June of 2017. It was an especially juicy story because the Danes were owned by a very wealthy woman who lived in an estate mansion. Was there some degree of envy hidden in the internet blasts and condemnation of that Dane fancier?


My ears went up when Lindsay Hamrick, the N.H. State Director for the Humane Society of the United States was quoted as saying “some of the pony-sized dogs could look her in the eye and some tipped the scales at more than 300 pounds.” Okay, it’s really not funny. Hamrick is the HSUS State Director… who obviously knows nothing about dogs. But she knows how to raise money. The donations poured in, not to the local shelter or resources but to the HSUS. Makes you wonder who initiated the raid…


HSUS director Hamrick said care for the Great Danes is going to cost $500,000, adding that the Humane Society has partnered with the Wolfeboro Police Department to take care of the animals while the case against Fay is ongoing.


Either the rescue story was as vastly overblown as the size of the dogs and the “horrible cruelty” or the Wolfeboro, NH Police Department grossly under-charged the owner with only two misdemeanor counts of animal neglect. Think about that. Not abuse. Not cruelty. She neglected to keep them off the beds and she didn’t put them out to potty often enough. Obviously the owner had a problem but who cares!!?!


Marilyn Kelly worked at the estate and is quoted as stating “In her mind, she loved those dogs, and she thought she was doing right by them.” She went on to imply that the owner wasn’t thinking clearly or she would never have been “living and sleeping in a house covered by feces and urine…”  Why didn’t she call family members or Great Dane breeders for help? We will probably never know why the owner didn’t reach out for help or worse, she did but was ignored. Rescuing dogs is easy compared to helping people which requires much more involvement.


Photographs used to describe the “neglect” suffered by the giant dogs prove only that the dogs were given free access to the mansion’s nine bedrooms. All photos showed beautiful happily spoiled Great Danes which were if anything, a little overweight.


What doesn’t escape this reporter’s notice is that there were immediate pleas for donations and the internet lit up with alerts such as this at “Rescue of 84 Great Danes at NH puppy mill leaves humane society looking for donations.


One of our writers knows the owner, whose name we have withheld unless and until she is proven guilty of animal abuse. She said “the dogs were healthy and happy” pointing out that the Great Danes may have been “spoiled and overindulged but were greatly loved.” She suggested that the owner needs “counseling not punishment.


And that is the point. Why would an owner who indulgently dotes on her dogs knowingly neglect them? There is no evidence that the Wolfeboro Danes were in any way mistreated but there’s ample evidence that we have an animal owner who needs help.


2018 related case > wherein a lifetime breeding program was confiscated from 83 year old Joan Huber, a top AKC show breeder...

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dog uses shoulders to push disabled owner's device

Disabled Breeders

Think about those who are struggling to care of their pets...

Two uniformed police officers came down the steps and arrested Mr. Bass in front of his horrified wife and children.

Rescue Gone Wrong

RAIDED at Christmas, breeder arrested, priceless litter confiscated.


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