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PAWS - Pet Animal Welfare Statute, Introduced by Rick Santorum in 2005, was the worst animal legisistion ever!  Puppy mills were exempt but show breeders and hobby dog breeders would have become non-existant.



The Animal Welfare Act still stands despite repeated challenges by Animal Rights activists and shockingly, the American Kennel Club.






SANTORUM & AKC CAMPAIGN FOR PAWS Legislation Report, July 2005


Dennis Sprung, AKC President, campaigns for PAWS with Senator Rick Santorum, violating AKC's non-profit tax status but no worry, HSUS member Lois Lerner is the IRS tax-exempt Director!


The Pet Animal Welfare Act (PAWS) opens in window so you can read without leaving this page. "PAWS" is distressing enough but when we learned that the AKC President Dennis Sprung is on the stump with PAWS Sponsor Senator Santorum (R-PA), dog breeders were outraged!


We are beginning to see that the alliance between the American Kennel Club and Animal Rights groups is designed to end all but commercial (puppy mill) dog breeding.  First, read the local press release below.  Just one piece of the puzzle in AKC President Dennis Sprung's betrayal of purebred dog breeders though support of PAWS, the Pet Animal Welfare Act..


Then keep reading to learn of an even more ominous betrayal - your hobby breeder IRS exemption and AKC's connection (collusion?) with the IRS through director of non-profit division Lois Lerner.


Senator Santorum to Discuss Legislation to End Puppy Mill Abuse


July 6, 2005 - For Immediate Release


Chester Springs, PA – U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, today was in Chester County at Eagle Farms Kennel and in Philadelphia to deliver the keynote address to the first graduating class of the Black Clergy of Philadelphia and Vicinity Workforce Development Project.


In Chester Springs today Senator Santorum was joined by U.S. Representative Jim Gerlach (R-PA-6); Dennis Sprung, President and CEO of the American Kennel Club (AKC); members of local kennel clubs, and dog breeders to discuss the Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS). Senator Santorum introduced the legislation in the Senate to address the lack of regulatory oversight that has allowed some in the pet industry to operate below the acceptable care standards for pets. Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) is an original cosponsor of the legislation and Representative Gerlach has introduced companion legislation in the House of Representatives.


I want to thank Representative Gerlach, the American Kennel Club, and dog breeders for joining me today to express support for the PAWS legislation,” said Senator Santorum.


As the proud owner of a two-year-old German Shepherd named Schatzie, it is disturbing to see the number of breeders who are careless in their responsibilities of breeding dogs in a healthy and humane environment. Breeding and raising dogs without respect to the animal's welfare guarantees bad results for the unknowing owner, and for the health of the dog and her puppies.”


“Wholesale dog and cat breeding facilities are licensed to operate by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and are required to comply with the rules and regulations of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) which sets standards for the humane handling and treatment of animals. However, under current law only breeders and others who sell animals at wholesale are regulated, allowing some commercial breeders and brokers to avoid regulation by selling directly to the consumer. The USDA has very limited ability to oversee the care and condition of animals in these facilities.


“This legislation provides an exemption for hobby breeders and pet owners. Currently hobby breeders and pet owners that sell at retail, as well as retail pet stores are exempt from the AWA because the USDA considers them to be retail pet stores. The PAWS legislation also sets out two exemptions for hobbyist and pet owners who sell at retail. Persons who whelp six or less litters per year or persons who sell less then 25 dogs per year are exempted. A person only needs to satisfy one of the two provisions to be exempted from the AWA.


“According to the AKC, this provision will exempt more than ninety-six percent of breeders who register litters with the AKC, and of the less than four percent, which it covers, more than half of them are already covered by the existing Act.


“Senator Santorum is a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee and Chairman of the Subcommittee on Research, Nutrition and General Legislation, which has jurisdiction over this issue.”

--- end press release quote


As you digest this shocking information on AKC's betrayal of purebred dog breeders, bear in mind that the American Kennel Club and most of its subsidiaries (AKC Canine Health Foundation (see AKC/CHF Loses Law Suit Filed By Former CHF Director), AKC Humane Fund (Breed Rescue), etc. are all not-for-profit 501c3 or other tax-exempt organizations.


No one likes to see their heroes fall but keep reading because you don't want to be a fool either.


Santorum's PITCH FOR PAWS To Congress  ~  Senator Visits AKC Board Picks Up $Thousands


Rick Santorum (R-PA) Picked The Wrong Horse (PAWS)


Sept 2013 update - When revealed the AKC was complicit in PAWS, breeder outrage prevented (R) Senator Santorum's re-election but nothing AKC could say or do will ever erase this betrayal from the minds of purebred dog breeders.


Is there some kind of conspiratorial connection between the American Kennel Club

and politicians who would regulate Hobby Breeders out of existence?


More than a few asked if it is IRS-legal for the tax-free, non-profit AKC to campaign with a candidate?  The answer is "no" but it appears that no one in Washington DC is looking, particularly the Internal Revenue Service.  We now know the Director of the IRS tax-exempt department was Lois Lerner, an HSUS mole!

Copyright ?  #1391711193

Lois Lerner, IRS Director protects HSUS, Proof & news VIDEO


Visit the VIDEO-THEATER for coverage on the Lois Lerner, IRS/HSUS scandal


Once you've digested all these tidbits, click below to send this page to every dog owner you know so they never forget!


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