The era of hobby breeders proving their purebreds at dog shows and selling quality puppies directly to good homes is over unless YOU have... |
The era of hobby breeders proving their purebreds at dog shows and selling quality puppies directly to good homes is over unless YOU have...
Breeders call shelters bad. Shelters call breeders bad. What is “Animal Welfare” and what about people welfare and what our pets do for us?
There’s nothing in this world like puppy breath and I don’t care if it was born in a cardboard box or a fancy new whelping box. They all have the same puppy breath.
I’ve seen every side of the shelter–rescue–breeder argument that anyone would care to listen to. I’ve walked down the halls of shelters to visit the cats and dogs in their temporary home. I’ve visited at the homes of some of the most respected breeders in the country. Here’s my take on the situation.
You all sell dogs. Breeders, Rescues, and Shelters. And that is okay. Why?
Animals have a special place in our hearts because they provide us with companionship, food, clothing, sport and activities in so many parts of our lives. ii Animal Rights Origin & History and animal welfare are subjects that have the most emotional view instead of an objective view.
Put your opinions in perspective when evaluating a person’s ability to take care of an animal. Here’s an easy way to do that.
You have to consider how humans are living. There are many social levels from the very poor to the very rich. Some people live in homes that barely have a roof while others live in multi-million dollar homes. The conditions under which their animals live are going to vary depending upon the income of the family that owns that animal.
So what is “Animal Welfare”? While millionaires may take their dog to a veterinarian at the first sneeze, those whose income level barely provides for food may not even be able to take an animal to a vet even in emergency situations. That does not by any means prove that those individuals don’t care for their animal any more or less than a person that is able to provide veterinarian care.
A non-profit social welfare organization exemption was designed to help the community, not patrol it. They are supposed to be there when times turn tough for individuals to help them get back on their feet.
Just remember when you see those pictures of broken down old dog houses that the people who own those dogs may live in even worse conditions. About a year ago, I saw a video like that. The dogs were healthy and normal weight but their homes were not as nice as the dog houses you buy from a pet store.
Then I saw the home the people were living in. The home was worse than the houses the dogs were living in. Did anyone help those people? Nope.
Those well loved and adequately cared for dogs were taken to a non-profit shelter to be sold to a new owner.
The people spent the night in jail, their home was condemned, they were facing fines for animal abuse, and they just lost their dogs in the name of “animal welfare.” Which non-profit organization stepped up to help those people? NONE!
Don’t attack your neighbors and their animals on the grounds that they have more or less than you. If you love animals and want to help them, HELP THE OWNERS. At some point in life, you may have to walk in their shoes.
Money comes and goes but a good neighbor is there to stay and help you smell puppy breath.
Related article: Animal Rights vs. Animal Welfare - attorneys and animal experts define the difference. TheDogPlace.org EST 1998 © 1501 https://www.thedogplace.org/Animal-Shelters/Animal-Welfare-vs-Dog-Owners_Kraemer-151.asp SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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