Spay & Neuter health risks are significant, spaying or neutering can cause cancer, obesity, hip dyplasia, low thyroid and other problems associated with removal of sex hormones due to being spayed or neutered


Spay/Neuter Information


Spaying/Neutering stops production of vital hormones, shortens life span and predisposes dogs for cancer, obesity, and orthopedic problems. Get the facts before you decide.






A subscriber asked if castration, referred to as neutering, calms a male dog down and makes training him easier. Here are the facts.


The question about neutering set off a discussion among the NetPlaces Network staff. Comments “Yes, neutering takes the edge off” and “He becomes more attuned to his family” summed it up. However, it was felt that we should follow up with health effects and “what if” discussions.



One of our horse owners asked whether castrating a male dog had the same results as turning a fractious stallion into a calm gelding?


That led to a discussion about “gelding” (removing testes) when horses are yearlings. Horse owners agree it is best to castrate a horse before he realizes he’s a stallion. Gelding makes horses calmer, gentler and more amenable to the rider’s cues. But others, especially horse breeders, feel that it is best to allow the growth hormones to enable size and conformation to develop.


Notably, horses live 25 years or more whereas the average canine lifespan is half that. So should you wait until your dog is at least close to maturity before castrating or spaying? Most veterinarians will say “No, go ahead and do “neuter” when young.” Those who care more about the dog than the income may say “Wait a while…” depending on the breed.


We asked Quora about dogs… “Neutering doesn't change a dog's personality, instincts, or training. It will affect physical development if it's done at a young age…” We had varying opinions on that but in the end, everyone agreed it was better to wait until the dog is mature to neuter or to do spay/hysterectomy.


Those who breed dogs, horses or cattle know and understand that castration can be done in later years if the animal’s genetics are important to the continuance of “the line.”


One of the NetPlaces Network medical members observed “In today’s world, the human male often recedes into complacency when threatened and can be content with being led through life. Is that because of a better brain and ‘survival instinct’ or is the human race changing?



Our staff wondered… We agreed that animals become more docile as they age but the consensus was that most men are as fiercely protective of territory and family at 40 years of age as they were in their 20’s when testosterone was at peak production.


It was agreed upon that for people depending on guard or alert-dogs, it is better to “…wait until the dog is closer to 2 years old before neutering.


The conversation drifted a bit and we will share this with you. Your dog has been domesticated for 30,000 years. Think about that. Over 10,000 years before horses and cattle. Arguably before sheep which “they” say came first.


The point is that The Creator must have seen humans needed some help and in the blink of an eye, dogs were created to love and support us. EST 1998 © March 2024



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SPAY & NEUTER SECTION INFORMATION: Learn about health problems caused by the loss of vital hormones which increase the risk of bone cancer, hip dysplasia, obesity, diabetes, urinary incontinence, hypothyroidism, and more.

CANINE PRECOGNITION: Scientists say not but here are documented cases of ESP.


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