Canine Reproduction
41 peer-reviewed papers by veterinary repro specialists; mating mechanics, speedy sperm, ovulation, C-sections, whelping, umbilical cord, swimmer pups, brood bitch, stud dog fertility… |
THE MIRACLE OF WHELPINGBarbara "BJ" Andrews, AKC Hall Of Fame Breeder, SAAB Member
Whining, straining, my pregnant bitch pushes the sack bubble out and urinates just a drop even though she had already emptied bowel and bladder.
Wrapping the whelp in paper towels for safe grip, I grasp it belly-up, torso supported in the palm of my hand. With fingers gripping around the neck to support the lifeless newborn, I “sling” it forcefully, from above my head to below my knees.
This normally expels fluids from the lungs, clearing the airway. No fluid coming from the mouth or nose. Not a good sign.
I begin mouth-to-mouth puffs (NOT exhales, just tiny mouthfuls of fresh oxygenated air), I massage the newborn, sling it, give it another puff of air, massage, sling again.
My husband is standing there, mouth hanging open, transfixed. Motioning him to go away I repeat the “sling the puppy” process again. Nothing. I laid it, swaddled in the paper towels, on the dresser. I push the tiny rib cage up towards the shoulder and press gently.
Glory Be! A ragged gasp. I keep working on the newborn, sling it (chest up), massage and carefully-quickly depress the ribcage. It gasps again. It took another long minute but it is gasping-breathing on its own. I continue to massage it with the paper towel.
Slowly, tiny little footpads turn pink, then underbelly and lips begin to show pale color. Then “it” becomes “she” and begins to wiggle. Tears come with a grateful sigh and “thank you God.”
I put her with her frantic mother. Reach for the chair, my back is killing me!!!
Less than 10 minutes pass and there’s another pup. I help my new mom with the sack. This time she chews the cord on her own but she’s pulling on it pretty hard. Fearing she may cause an umbilical hernia, I cut the cord with my dull ‘whelping scissors’ and mom goes back to cleaning herself.
I notice the little firstborn female seems to be breathing normal and now has good color.
End of story, or at least that chapter because I know the first pup could be brain damaged from lack of oxygen. She’s not fully active so mama-dog could accidently lay on her. A lot could still go wrong but I thank the Creator for intervening… And silly me, I am reassured that she will be fine.
As though to prove it, she roots her way to warmth. I reach out to guide her to a nipple. Another tiny miracle occurs. She grasps the teat and rears back sucking lustily. Thank you God…
I think the other two are boys. Strong, pushy, I’ll have to watch that the female is able to hold onto the nipple. I would have liked another female but 12 hours later, my back is better, the little one is nursing lustily, the sun is shining and life is good.
Stress? You betcha but the more I worry the more I realize how lucky I am. To be a part of creating new life is awesome. As I watch puppies suckle strongly and know they are going to be a blessing to people who need them, I thank the Creator for allowing me to be a part of this miracle. TheDogPlace.org EST 1998 © Date https://www.thedogplace.org/Reproduction/the-miracle-of-whelping-b22A031.asp SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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