Canine Reproduction
Features of breed type and proclivity for breed purpose emerge at 5 weeks and are more important than structure when assessing a litter. |
Puppy Personality At Day 35Barbara "BJ" Andrews, AKC Hall Of Fame Breeder, SAAB Member
A Dachshund puppy will of course be longer in body than a Doberman but what’s intriguing is that a Poodle pup will be more social than a Pyrenees of the same age. That’s because the Pyr was developed to bond to his flock whereas personal protection dogs and hunting breeds have been genetically manipulated to bond to humans.
Whether one ascribes to the theory of evolution or the mystery of creation, no thinking person can deny that the dog is the most unique animal on this planet.
The dog’s size range and aptitudes are unmatched by any mammal in the animal kingdom. Only humans have such wide-ranging physical features and talents. Think about this - cats, big and small, do not bond with mankind. The elephant has long been domesticated and willingly works for his mahout but is just as happy in his natural state. Authorities agree only the dog chooses to abide with and serve mankind.
So take 70 seconds and expand your knowledge on a subject that touches YOU and who you are.
We know that humans evolved physically and intellectually but we don’t know if there are any wolf genetics in your dog! There is no undisputed evidence that the dog descended from the wolf. Here is what we do know about canine personality and devotion, from puppies to old dogs.
Forensic studies show that the “first undisputed dog remains” were found buried with humans as far back as 36,000 years ago.” ~ {Ref #1}
Was it a “wolf” that first crept up to a “human” campsite? Or were DOGS co-created to serve humans and to set an example of unwavering love and loyalty? There is not one scrap of evidence that dogs evolved from wolves. None at all. Bet you didn’t know that… but you will quickly realize that “may have” and “probably” indicate speculation, not fact.
Wikipedia is our best source of peer-reviewed information because it is open to dispute. The most accurate description of canine history may be “The archaeological record and genetic analysis show the remains of the Bonn–Oberkassel dog buried beside humans 14,200 years ago to be the first undisputed dog, with disputed remains occurring 36,000 years ago.” ~ {Ref #2}
As for purebred dogs, we accept they developed early in the Victorian era (the period of Queen Victoria's reign, from 1837 until she died in 1901) but centuries earlier dogs were selected according to discernable talent for finding game and with a growing awareness of their usefulness as protectors.
As an informed reader, you will agree that the ancient bond between the dog and mankind is unequalled in the animal kingdom and unrivaled in human history. When a puppy’s eyes first open and focus it will not only accept a human hand, it will lick it. A wolf cub will not...
Any livestock breeder will agree that a month-old calf or colt will “blow” or show signs of fear when first confronted with a human. A feline will hiss and puff up. Significantly, a puppy will wiggle and wag!
Beyond that first sign of being canine, the domestic dog seeks out human companionship. Quit feeding your cat and it moves on. Ditto with your cow or horse. Call any domestic animal when it is NOT feeding time. It will ignore you.
Call your dog when he’s snoozing with a full belly and he will come to you.
This is not new knowledge but if it is new to you, I hope it gives you pause for thought. Hand a puppy to the most sophisticated urbanite who never touched a dog and if he or she breathes puppy breath something amazing happens. If it doesn’t… walk away.
Scientists can put a man on the moon but they can’t explain mankind’s affinity for puppy personality. Sure, we know about the Odendaal study that noted the release of oxytocin (the bonding hormone) when we pet a dog but no one, no scientist or theologist can explain WHY that happens…
If you have bred a litter from what old-timers call a Purpose-bred Dog, you are nodding agreement. If you adopted a shelter puppy, you are equally amazed at the inborn affinity between dog and man.
So take special note of your puppy’s personality which will begin to display by Day 42. Through the following week, breed character begins to emerge. A terrier puppy will instinctively shake a little stuffed toy. A retriever breed will proudly carry it. A toy breed will snuggle it. A working breed will protect it, etc.
Don’t take that miracle for granted! Canis familiaris is unique in the animal kingdom!
#1 Taxonomy of the dog ~ #2 Wikipedia>Origin of the domestic dog Copyright ? TheDogPlace.org 20S06 https://www.thedogplace.org/Reproduction/puppy-personality-at-day-35-b20A07.asp SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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