Barbara "BJ" Andrews,
Publisher, AKC Master Breeder
Small animal vets spend more time learning about pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures than canine reproduction. Good
vets take extra courses or self-educate if they have a breeder clientele. Others
treat stud dog owners as though we had the mange!
The Working Stud Dog
You hear that phrase but what does it mean? For breeders, it means a stud dog that is
frequently used and "never misses." Siring success has as much to do with
the stud dog owner as with the stud dog himself. Veterinary technology has smears and ovulation tests to determine when the bitch is
ready to be bred but there is no substitute for a working stud dog and an
experienced owner who can read the dog as he checks to see when the bitch in
season is approaching ovulation.
Illogically, many vets refute this, having been taught that repeated smears are the only reliable ovulation
diagnostics. I actually had a vet say it is foolhardy to rely on a dog and miss the optimum breeding dates! If your otherwise good vet can only spout
vet school rhetoric, go elsewhere.
If the experienced stud dog says she’s not ready, trust him! When you think
about it, who knows more about a dog, the dog or the human? Who can sniff
out the estrus bitch from a half mile away and go straight to her doorstep?
Certainly not the vet.
Timing The Breeding and Ovulation:
Let the experienced stud dog court and encourage the bitch to optimize her
estrus cycle. No matter what the anyone says, day seventeen is not the end of
the world. We have frequently mated bitches well past the eighteenth day and
they presented litters to disbelieving owners. Had their veterinarian’s professor
or the science of smears
been in control, those bitches would never have conceived.
a classic example. Our Akita, Ch. Sachmo, was infallible. Never at public stud, he
nonetheless sired over 100 AKC champions. We once made an exception for a veterinarian who lived in Canada.
She had a 6 year old champion bitch that had never conceived, and was willing to
make the long drive because Sachmo was reputed to be an extraordinary stud
dog. She took smears every
day, and mercilessly, she called every day to report them to me! Finally she
exclaimed “Freddie is ready!!!” She arrived late the next day but
my stud dog
said “not yet.” The veterinarian insisted Freddie was ready. My husband said it would
be at least two more days, probably longer.
The lady veterinarian had a fit but elected to stay over, no doubt to prove us wrong.
She had brought her slides and microscope, with which she continued to
harass us and her bitch... Three days went by. Her husband was also a veterinarian
and he was pressuring her to return. My husband suggested to the owner
that her impatience was why Freddie had never conceived! She became increasingly cantankerous
and when on the fourth day, she said our stud was a dud, Bill graciously
invited her to hit the road.
Stubbornly, she refused, muttering about cells having already cornified and
inexperienced stud dogs. Bill bit his lip and gave me a "shut up" look.
Our stud dog, already the sire
of nearly 50 champions, walked away and lifted his leg on her comment. The next day, she called from the motel, joyously
shouting into the phone,
“Freddie is ready!” Bill told her to come on. Our
"dud of a stud" quickly
tied the amorous bitch. The vet left that very day; no second breeding.
Freddie whelped a litter of six and we heard from Canadian breeder-friends that
it was the only litter she ever had.
Ship The Bitch or Ship The Semen?
That is a no-brainer! Today we have options but
it is always best not to ship the bitch. If the stud dog is too
far away to make the drive - have
the semen shipped to you instead of shipping the bitch to the semen! Yes,
breeders actually used to do that "back in the day." I shipped my Rottie
bitch from Florida to Washington state. She was fine but the anxiety
nearly killed me! She became the All-Time #1 Dam from that litter but it was
not worth it!
Be aware though, chilled or frozen semen comes with its own package of
potential problems. First and foremost, you loose the advantage of the stud
dog’s assessment. Just as cattle ranchers use a teaser bull to mark
ovulating cows, if you opt for shipped semen, you should find a
working stud dog in your area
and arrange to make use of his indisputable talent. The
opportunity to use his keen senses and to evaluate the stay-at-home bitch’s
reaction with him is more reliable than any ovulation test. The experienced
stud dog owner can “read” the dogs and tell you when to have the semen
shipped. Expect to pay the local stud owner for time and trouble. The stud
dog will work for free!
Semen insemination: Most professionals prefer to inseminate the bitch by
uterine implant which requires nearly the same degree of invasive surgery as
performing a c-section, and costs as much. My friend, a nationally known
theriogenologist prefers a process whereby the semen is placed in the uterus
through an endoscopic vaginal procedure which eliminates surgical risk but
conversely, could result in damage to the uterine wall.
Talk it over in advance with a reproductive veterinarian. Do not
assume proficiency because your own vet is conscientious and capable on routine
stuff. Ask around and locate a vet or university that deals with canine
reproduction on a regular basis. And by
the way, a vet who is skilled in canine reproduction will also know of a
dependable stud dog. If the Veterinarian doesn’t know, it’s a safe bet he or
she is NOT a “reproductive expert.” Find someone else.
Prior to Mating The Bitch
Whether breeding naturally or by
chilled or frozen semen, your
bitch should be in optimum weight, not a bit of fat on her. Internal fat can
reduce chances of proper fertilization. She should be in good muscle tone.
Her coat should glisten with health. She should be happy and in a good
mental state. She should be free of parasites, inside and out. Do not bathe
her just before she meets the stud dog. He won’t appreciate it.
Vets usually suggest pre-breeding booster shots. Personally, I advise against it but then
I have no financial stake in the matter. If she is being shipped to the stud,
she will need a current rabies certificate. If his semen is being shipped, it
matters not.
If you are sure that she hasn’t been exposed, you might skip
the brucellosis test but if she is being taken to a stud dog, they will
wisely insist on a certificate and so should you! It is a sensible
precaution for both parties.
Managing The Stud Dog
This will be the shortest section. He knows when his work is done because
a working stud dog knows (better than any smear) when she is past being
hormonally receptive. Any kind of insemination, fresh or frozen is a waste
of time and an insult to a good stud dog.
Feed your stud dog real food, meaning
supplement commercial dog food with raw beef, chicken stew or depending on his
size, raw chicken wings or legs. Cooked fish, especially for northern
breeds. Give him safe raw beef knuckle bones with which to while away his
time between visiting bitches. Keep him clean and well groomed, including
teeth and toenails. Check his sheath for any unnatural discharge. Do
NOT inundate his immune system with vaccines.
Be aware of his position and prestige. If this part sounds silly, click
out now because a potent, powerful stud dog is the pack leader, just as the most
dominant stallion is the herd sire. Regardless of breed, a working stud
dog must be treated with human respect and love. He must be at the top of
the hierarchy, in the #1 position whether in your home or your kennel. You
will still be the boss because you are the human but among dogs, he is the king.
Trust me, the working stud dog's psyche is as important as his sperm count. Good luck and remember, the nose knows!
Portions extracted from ShowSight Magazine July 2009 On The Line Column
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