TheDogPlace > PAWS Index >> Good News/Bad News on Congressional Standoff re; PAWS




When POLITICS become PROJECTS, we get RESULTS.  It was AKC's support of PAWS that made it a Project.   You will now decide the future of the AKC and of the purebred dog.  PAWS has divided the fancy more than ever before.  As a voting member of a member club YOU have the power to bring about the right  RESULT.  And remember, the uninformed owner thinks PAWS is a good thing so Send THIS PAGE To Everyone!

Good News - Bad News

by Jeff Helsdon, DPCA October 2005

After an all-too-short celebration the following statement comes from Sen. Santorum on the Senate floor:

"As chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee's Subcommittee on Research, Nutrition and General Legislation, which has jurisdiction over PAWS, I intend to convene a hearing and mark-up of PAWS shortly after the August recess to make technical corrections, and to clarify some of the bill's language to better reflect our intentions as set forth in this statement."

It appears we've been sucker punched. Senator Santorum will chair a hearing for the Agriculture Committee/Subcommittee and he's calling the shots, including the invitations list.

He's calling in AKC, HSUS, Am. Vet. Med. Assoc. and perhaps a few other hand picked buddies. When the two panels are comprised of Animal Interest and Animal Welfare Groups, you might wonder where that will lead.

The answer is pretty obvious; when like-minded people convene to further an agenda with which they concur, and that agenda is something you are opposed to, well, it pays to pay attention.

Where is NAIA on this? We're checking. Nothing on their website on this yet. As an AKC Board Member, Patty Strand should be among the first to know of Santorum's committee hearing.   The Cat Registries are already mobilizing on this news and are proving a force to be reckoned with as is Bob Kane's SAOVA, the California Federation Of Dog Clubs (CFODC)

We'll keep you informed but in the meantime, go back to the fax machine and follow with a stamped letter. Forget the phone calls, you won't get through. Don't waste time with emails, they are either blocked or read as a block and responded to that way. We'll publish more of the ridiculous and downright insulting responses people have received. Even hand-written letters, the most effective of all, short of a certified, return receipt that someone has to sign for, are "answered" as though they were in SUPPORT of PAWS! How insulting!

Use the DPCA Tool, easy email to every Member Senate Agriculture Committee.  The Doberman Club Of America has been a strong leader in the fight against PAWS, providing easy-to-understand legal opinion, general information, and guidance that has made an impact against what we were told was "unstoppable" legislation. We are indebted to the DPCA.

According to our Washington, D. C. insiders, the Pet Animal Welfare Statute of 2005 (PAWS), S. 1139, is scheduled for a hearing before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry's Subcommittee on Research, Nutrition and General Health. Senator Santorum, the prime sponsor of PAWS, is the Chair of this Subcommittee. The hearing is scheduled for 2:00 PM on Wednesday, November 9.

If you have not yet used the DPCA LobbyNow Tool to send your customized e-mail message to every member of the U.S. Senate Agriculture Committee expressing your opposition to PAWS, please do so now.

If you have already done so, thank you. Do not try to do so again, however, as you can only send your message one time.

Non-DPCA members should use the following URL to send their messages:

As circumstances warrant, I will keep you informed.


Jeff Helsdon
Legislative Director
Doberman Pinscher Club of America #1110


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