Federal & State Laws that usurp our legal Rights are often driven by animal "rights" and animal "welfare" organizations, learn about HUMAN RIGHTS vs. ANIMAL RIGHTS! |
How HSUS legislation gets passed; Pentagon attorney spells out Congress’ ignorance, corruption, and what to do before you are legislated “gone!”
All 535 Members of Congress are aware of the fact that Ms. Lois Lerner has been found in "Contempt of Congress" because she refused to testify as to her role in the IRS "targeting" of political conservative organizations that sought tax-exempt status.
June 2014 - However, few, if any, Members of Congress were aware that while Ms. Lerner was targeting conservative groups, she was ignoring thousands of pages of documents that established that the HSUS - a "liberal" public charity, had covered up on its Federal Tax Returns for the last 10 years the fact that it had expended over $500 Million lobbying in support of the 1,000 laws for which HSUS’ Mr. Pacelle boastfully claims credit. Why did she give "favored" treatment to the HSUS? BECAUSE MS. LERNER WAS A MEMBER OF THE HSUS!!!!! (see below)
Last month I had a personal, one-on-one conversation with a Member of the House Oversight Committee which was responsible for Ms. Lerner being found to be in "Contempt of Congress." And when I told the Congressman that Ms. Lerner was a Member of the HSUS and was giving favored treatment to the Humane Society Of The US, a "liberal" public charity, whose Senior Leadership had endorsed the then Senator Obama for President in 2008 while targeting conservative organizations in 2012, his eyes literally widened and his jaw dropped as he spontaneously said "I did not know that." If he, as a Member of the House Oversight Committee, didn’t know, it is fair to assume that none of the other 534 Members of Congress were fully aware of the HSUS connection to Ms. Lerner.
As an attorney who worked in Washington DC as a Registered Lobbyist for over 15 years, and who had hundreds of one-on-one conversations with Members of Congress and their Key Staffers, two things I learned is that a Staff Member for each Member of Congress keeps a running count of the phone calls, faxes, and e-mails received and second, it is very rare for any issue to cause more than 500 phone calls, faxes, and e-mails to be received by any Member of Congress. The HSUS knows this, and that it is why it has been so successful in generating Congressional and State support for the 1,000+ Statutes that were enacted as a result of its $500+ Million Lobbying Efforts.
Now is the perfect time to use the HSUS "Playbook" and generate not just a few thousand but MILLION PHONE CALLS to THE OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE and to THE HOUSE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. If that were to occur, it would create an incredible "BUZZ" on Capitol Hill - not just in those two offices, but in the Halls of Congress and during informal conversations between Members of Congress and the hundreds of fundraising events that occur nearly each week in Washington DC, etc.
Before anyone suggests that generating ONE MILLION PHONE CALLS is an unrealistic goal, consider that there are 100 million citizens who have either been victimized by the destructive efforts of the HSUS. They include Breeders, Farmers, Ranchers, Hunters, and those who have anything to do with animals that are used for food, sport, show, exhibition, entertainment, resale, research or clothing.
Use the little “SendTo” dog below to pass this on to anyone you know in any of those categories and ask them to call their Congressional representative or State Senator!
It will take less than 10 minutes to make calls to those two Offices, and less than 90 seconds to read the script. For those who may be reluctant to do so because they don't want to give their names, the calls to the Offices of the Speaker of the House and to the House Oversight Committee may be made at night or on the weekends when you can just leave a Voice Mail Message. Then each morning a Secretary must listen to each voice mail message and keep a running count. AFTER A FEW DAYS, THE NON-STOP BUZZ WOULD RISE TO A FEVER-PITCH ABOUT THE TIES BETWEEN LOIS LERNER, THE HSUS AND THE IRS!!!!!
The Office Number for the Speaker of the House is: (202) 225-0600 (Press 1 if calling after hours or on the weekend), and the voice mail message to be read is as follows:
"I am calling about an issue that involves a cover-up by Ms. Lois Lerner. Would you please ask Speaker Boehner to contact Treasury Secretary Lew and Treasury Inspector General George and ask them when they will complete their year-long investigation of why the IRS, under the direction of Lois Lerner, ignored thousands of documents that established that the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS), a liberal, tax-exempt, public charity, had spent over $500 Million in support of its "covered-up" Lobbying Machine that resulted in 1,000 Federal and State Laws being enacted in the last 10 years. On May 20th the HSUS announced its plan to have "435 DISTRICT LEADERS" - - ONE FOR EVERY "CONGRESSIONAL" DISTRICT IN THE COUNTRY." Of note, Ms. Lerner was a Member of the Humane Society of the U.S. The Treasury IG Complaint Number is 55-1307-0105-C."
The Office Number for the House Oversight Committee is (202) 225-5074, and the voice mail message to be read is as follows:
"I am calling about an issue that involves a cover-up by Ms. Lois Lerner. Would you please ask Congressmen Issa and Jordan to contact Treasury Secretary Lew and Treasury Inspector General George and ask them when they will complete their year-long investigation of why the IRS, under the direction of Lois Lerner, ignored thousands of pages of documents that established that the Humane Society of the U.S., a tax-exempt, public charity, had spent over $500 Million in support of its "covered-up" Lobbying Machine that resulted in 1,000 Federal and State Laws being enacted in the last 10 years. On May 20th the HSUS announced its plan to have "435 DISTRICT LEADERS" - - ONE FOR EVERY "CONGRESSIONAL" DISTRICT IN THE COUNTRY." Of note, Ms. Lerner was a Member of the Humane Society of the U.S. The Treasury IG Complaint Number is 55-1307-0105-C."
For over 5 years I have been conducting the "Spay and Neuter the HSUS" campaign, laying the groundwork for an inevitable window of opportunity that would dramatically expose the fraud of the HSUS. THAT WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY IS NOW WIDE OPEN!!!!! And why do I focus on Congressman Boehner, Congressman Jordon and Congressman Jordon calling Treasury Secretary Lew and Treasury Inspector General George? Because they are Republicans who are upset about Lois Lerner, and now they have a compelling reason to "connect the dots" between the IRS, Lois Lerner and her Membership in the HSUS!
And since a substantive investigation of the failure of the IRS to hold the HSUS accountable has been on-going for nearly a year, and the Treasury Special Agent who is conducting the investigation has ended five of his E-Mail Messages to me with the words "Semper Fi," the stage is perfectly set for a wave of a Million Calls that will hasten the "desired results" - - exposing the fraud of the HSUS which will inevitably lead to revocation of its "tax-exempt, public charity" status, as well as the potential assessment by the IRS of over $100 Million for back taxes, penalties and interest!
The words "Semper Fi" were written by a former Marine, who is now the Treasury Special Agent who has been conducting the Treasury's Investigation, and his repeated use of those two words clearly suggests that he is being "faithful" to the on-going investigation. And oh yes, last year he asked me about whether I had documentation that connected Lois Lerner to the HSUS, and I not only told him I did, but I sent him a copy of the Lerner BIO which expressly stated that she was a Member of the HSUS. And when he received the copy, he sent me an E-Mail acknowledging receipt and that was the second of the five times that he used the phrase "Semper Fi!"
The Treasury Special Agent now has in his possession a copy of Mr. Pacelle's May 20th Blog in which he boasts, among other things:
Those three quotes have widened the "Window of Opportunity" that may be exploited with a Million Calls to the Offices of the Speaker of the House and the House Oversight Committee which will not only create a "BUZZ" that will surely "sting" the HSUS, but it will result in added pressure on the Treasury Department to expedite its on-going investigation of the failure of the IRS to hold the HSUS accountable for 10 years of Fraudulently submitted Federal Tax Returns.
Please take the time to make those two calls and then ask your friends on various lists to do the same.
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