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Big Pharma ignores antibiotic-resistant “thinking” bacteria evolving in food chain but treatments exist in nature's most likely source… |
ANTIBIOTIC ALTERNATIVE INFORMATIONBarbara J. Andrews, TheDogPlace.org Publisher
We call them “superbugs” because they’ve become extremely virulent. We worry about catching a virus but bacteria, as a living, evolving life form is a much more deadly threat.
When challenged, bacteria become stronger, developing their own immunities and coping skills which challenge the inventiveness of human and veterinary medicine. Today, bacteria are outpacing research, partly due to excessive use in the commercial food chain.
Consider this; in the 40s the world supply of penicillin was only 64 pounds. Less than 60 years later we consume 60,000,000 pounds of antibiotics in the United States alone! Nearly half, about 30,000,000 pounds, is used on livestock to combat microbial disease in the abysmal conditions of factory farming. Even worse, farmers discovered that antibiotics increased growth rate and weight gain in food animals. That resulted in Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter (D-NY), the only microbiologist in Congress, introducing legislation to limit antibiotic use in slaughter animals because it passes down the food chain to people and pets. As 2014 draws to a close, the anti-antibiotic legislation, which would also apply to dairy and egg producers, has not passed.
With the emergence of pathogenic, antibiotic-resistant bacteria, we are teetering on a catastrophic disease epidemic. The first Staphylococcus bacteria confirmed as antibiotic resistant emerged in 1999. It quickly morphed into Staphylococcus aureus, the dreaded MRSA infection which today kills over 20,000 Americans per year, more than AIDS. The common Escherichia coli also wised up and developed into the potentially deadly E. Coli. These bacterial “mutations” shocked the medical community but a quick trip to the library would have revealed that bacteria are the oldest form of life on planet earth.
Bacteria have developed their own defense systems and get this - once a bacterium has developed a method for countering an antibiotic, it passes that knowledge on to other bacteria!
“Thinking” bacteria sounds like a science fiction movie but actually, it’s a horror movie, one where virtually no new antibiotics are being developed and mankind is oblivious.
In the meantime, we are running out of time because while the world worries about Ebola virus, bacterial infections that devour human flesh are increasing. Flesh Eating Bacteria (necrotizing fasciitis) even has a cousin, vibrio bacterium, which increased attacks on humans this year. According to CDC medical epidemiologist Rajal Mody, such bacteria “account for an estimated 80,000 illnesses, 500 hospitalizations and 100 deaths each year in the United States.”
The good news is while bacteria are evolving defenses against our antibiotics, nature is busy making plants capable of defeating the bigger, stronger bugs. {Ref #1} Fortunately, some plants contain hundreds of thousands of compounds that keep pace with the proliferation of new bacteria. Amazing eh?
Perhaps the best news of all is that plants and herbs are nearly free compared to the cost of antibiotics.
It’s a good thing because whether it is your health insurance or pet insurance, premiums and co-pays for prescription antibiotics are going to skyrocket. That alone should motivate you to check out nature’s antibiotics. You don’t have to be an expert. Using, growing, or buying azithromycin nature’s medicine is pretty simple and it’s a lot like homeopathy in that there are few side effects.
Maybe someone will make a tea for dogs so they won't have to seek out and eat grass when their stomach feels "sour."
From ancient eastern civilizations to the jungle, Australia, and the Americas, man has always relied on plant medicine. When asked how he knows which plants to use, one very old, very traditional Native American medicine man told the camera crew “I walk around and I talk to them (plants) and they tell me the way to use them.” It was just that simple at one time in our distant past.
We are coming full circle. Scientists today know that the 20th century medical model isn’t working. Turning away from pharmaceutical company propaganda, researchers are addressing the health problems of their citizens through plant medicine which is equally as effective and much lower in cost. For over a decade research has centered on herbal medicines with the goal of isolating active components which can then be modified, patented and marketed. But some things just can’t be patented.
Here’s but one example dog breeders have known forever. Cystitis is common in juvenile females, particularly coated breeds. The veterinarian will give you antibiotic (urine acidifier) tablets and they work but does he tell you that apple cider vinegar in her drinking water works equally well? If the vet is under 30, he or she probably doesn’t know because there’s no incentive to teach something so simple. It works in people too, and so does cranberry juice or canned whole cranberry sauce which prevents bacteria from attaching to the bladder wall thus, the bad bacteria is quickly flushed out - infection gone, patient cured.
Nature’s list of antibacterial plants, herbs and other healing substances (such as honey for burns) is as long as the list of infectious bacteria. Let us hope it remains so.
Reference Information: {1} Alternative Treatment And Remedies, plants that offer antibiotic properties TheDogPlace.org EST 1998 © 14915111651811 https://www.thedogplace.org/Health/antibiotic-alternatives-to-deadly-bacteria-149.asp SSI Brought to you by the NetPlaces Network
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