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GMO foodstuffs were rejected a decade ago due to this information, the higher rate of autism, and difficult-to-diagnose health problems - so what’s going on in 2018?






by Barbara J. Andrews, Publisher, SAAB Member


In 2008 genetically engineered crops permeated human and animal foods, from corn that killed insects, to carrots that sterilized the animals that nibbled on the crop.


We warned readers and it set off a firestorm following which, GMO concerns dropped out of the media (or were erased by food advertisers) but "organic" soon became the byword for savvy shoppers.


Things are good in 2018, the employment rate is excellent, people are spending, and the economy is booming. We have become food and health-conscious and "organic" is everywhere. Even so, my Comanche ancestors say looking back helps a person see where they are going. So stop walking, there is something to be gained here.



The Morningstar report was frightening because it affects us and our dogs.  The disturbing fact is that a decade later, GMO foodstuffs have become commonly accepted.


So has the exploding rate of autism, retardation, drug and alcohol abuse!


The press made a show of covering the genetic mess in our food supply but they did it in a casually contrived way because food producers control advertising dollars. published this science review because we recognized the effects on canine reproduction and overall health.  Well of course it’s a threat to our own health but if I said that, you’d blow on by it because obviously, we don’t do for ourselves what we do for our dogs.  If that were so, we’d all be in perfect weight and condition right?


So think back.  You remember the Taco Bell scandal that spread to Kellogg's corn flakes and forced a plant closing out of fear that the illicit GM StarLink maize had infected breakfast cereals. Sure you do, now that I've reminded you.  Even worse, scientists admitted that other corn crops were contaminated by bee-borne pollen, windblown seed and poor management of biologically “hot” seeds.


Seeds Are The Symbol Of Life - Unless They Are Genetically Modified

If you've bought garden seeds recently you know agri-producers have genetically manipulated plants that produce sterile seeds, i.e. the plant grows but its seeds won't produce another plant. Most families gave up vegetable gardening because the genetically engineered seeds produced hard, flavorless tomatoes with impenetrable skins that make them impervious to transportation damage.  Those tomatoes were taken are off the market and by 2015 grocery stores provided "organic" tomatoes and other vegetables - at double the price but much tastier and safer.


Have your dogs (or anyone in your family) experienced reproductive problems?  New Zealand scientists engineered carrots that sterilize possums, which are a major threat to carrot crops. Scientists pooh-poohed concerns that the GMO carrots might have the same effect on people, and insisted the engineered carrots could be kept separate from the human food chain …. “if necessary!” 


But we now know the New Zealand Government admitted that there were at least 100 illicit GM crop experiments underway in that country. Illicit. That translates to unregulated, unapproved.


England’s Prime Minister said then that the genetically modified [GM] products were safe.  Recently she was quoted as saying 'there is no doubt that there is potential for harm from GM food.'” 


 What we don’t know can hurt us! Of course the food producers aren’t going to run around announcing problems but important information is still being withheld from health-conscious consumers. Corn growers began shunning GM seeds because their exports to Europe had dropped to only 137,000 tons compared to 2 million tons the previous year. Major potato processors and fast-food chains were warning growers to avoid GM potatoes.


Genetically Modified Organisms Everywhere

The problem was that seed companies couldn't seem to keep their conventional seeds separate from their GM (genetically modified) strains. The sloppy inventory problem spread like windblown seeds and farmers found their fields contaminated with illegal and unwanted GM crops.


Remember what I said about looking back.  Remember Ebola virus? Mad Cow Disease? Human deaths from Mad Cow Disease increased markedly in the first half of 2000.  Then in 2001 there were reports that a 'jumping gene' used in genetic engineering had crossed the species barrier at least seven times, including one jump between flies and humans.


When I first sent this report to the webmaster, logical brain that he is, he said “Genetically modified foods are coming and someday will be a fact of life. Not only that, they will be a necessity. With farmers' lands being 'taken' by Green Earthers, or their water being taken to preserve 'endangered species', we will need science and technology to continue to feed ourselves. Or should we go back to a mule and a plow? I do agree that it needs strong oversight."


Meet the Editor and Author Barbara J. "BJ" AndrewsDanny is seldom wrong and when the USDA, along with with Monsanto, announced that everything was okay and that none of the GMO experiments involved carrots, he called to rub it in.


Oh. Okay. Whew, for a minute there I was worried.


You decide. I use a lot of carrots in my homemade dog stew.  I buy wild-caught ocean fish, organic produce, poultry, and grass-fed beef. Maybe when our dogs sing instead of bark, we'll know the truth!!


Genetically engineered modified corn can be harmful to human and animal healthThe compelling amount of information on genetically engineered corn is NOT sufficient to stop agribusiness from marketing it in 2018. It is in nearly 90% of processed human and pet foods unless labeled non-GMO.


Genetically modified corn is primarily engineered to be  poisonous to the insects that feed on it. We're told it is not meant for human consumption... that it is only fed to the cattle, poultry, and swine that we eat. This Agri-business logic is justified on the presumption that slaughter animals do not live long enough to be a health risk to the people or animals that consume them.


Quickest, easiest way to be sure what you and your dogs are eating is to go to the Nutrition Section which is grouped according to subject; corn, grapes, BARF, pre-biotics, byproducts, etc. EST 1998 ©   2011177188




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