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Northern, Spitz & Primitive 
"Wolf" type and/or Arctic coated

Old as the dingo, wild as the wind. Wise as Coyote, man's very first friend.



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Breeds 1-20 of 20

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Large, short coated Japanese spitz-type guard

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Carolina Dog
Large pariah-type dog of the deep south.

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Chinese Foo Dog
Mid-size, chow-like, amiable and hardy

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Large, strong willed, short coated sledding dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Australian warrigal, a wild dog, not kept as a pet, ARBA listed, not pedigreed

Dogs, dogs, dogs

East Siberian Laika
A medium-size "Husky" type sled and hunting dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Eskimo Dog
Large powerful spitz-type working dog, heavy coated - and muscled!

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Eurasier (Eurasian)
Medium sized heavily coated watchdog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

German Spitz
Profusely coated, ranging from small to medium

Dogs, dogs, dogs

German Wolfspitz ((Keeshond)
Medium size, full Arctic coat, hardy watchdog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Greenland Dog (Husky)
Large, strong, double coated, husky-type sled dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Iceland Dog
Medium size, Nordic double-coated multi-purpose

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Medium sized Korean Spitz-type companion

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Kai Ken
Medium size, spitz-coated, Japanese hunting dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Karelian Bear Dog
Medium size, tough bear dog of Northern Europe

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Karelo-Finnish Laika
Medium size moderate coated Finnish/Russian hunter

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Medium spitz-type Japanese hunting dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

New Guinea Singing Dog
Small short coated dingo-type dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Medium size Japanese hunting dog from Shikoku Islands. Short thick coat, easy care

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Swedish Lapphund
Medium size, well coated spitz-type herding dog

Breeds 1-20 of  20

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Clumber Spaniel Breeders Greg & Bilinda Osburne expecting a spring litter. Reserve Today!


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