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Working, Guardian, Pinscher & Schnauzer 
Services work, draft, or protection

Stands watch every night and loves every day, in service to man, at work or at play.



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Breeds 1-30 of 60

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Giant white medium coated Turkish flock guardian

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Large, dignified, doubled-coated family guard

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Alapha Blue Blood Bull Dog
Large American bulldog or plantation guardian

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Alaskan Malamute
Large Arctic freighting-sled dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

American Bulldog
Large, agile, muscular, tenacious family watchdog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Anatolian Shepherd
Giant short coated, fearless guardian

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Argentine Dogo
Large white crop-eared smooth coated guard dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Berger Du Languedoc (Cevennes Shepherd)
Formidable French mountain and flock guardian

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Berger Picard (Picardy Shepherd)
Oldest French large sheep and guard dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Bernese Mountain Dog
Large tri-color moderately coated Swiss herder

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Black Russian Terrier
Large heavily coated Schnauzer-like guard dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Large smooth coated short muzzled, family watchdog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Giant, powerful, “game keeper’s” watchdog.

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Cane Corso (Sicilian Branchiero)
Mastiff-type Italian herdsman & guarding dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Caucasian Mountain Dog (Ovcharka)
Giant, medium coated, flock and people guard

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Central Asian Ovcharka
Giant short coated Russian flock guardian

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Danish Broholmer
Giant smooth coated mastiff-type guardian

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Doberman Pinscher
Large, clean limbed, easy care family watchdog.

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Dogue De Bordeaux
Giant smooth coated mastiff-type guardian

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Fila Brasileiro
Giant smooth coated mastiff-type personal guardian

Dogs, dogs, dogs

German Pinscher
Medium-size Doberman look-alike, active, versitile

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Giant Schnauzer
Harsh coated distinctively moustached watchdog.

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Great Dane
Giant smooth-coated “Apollo of Dogs”

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Great Pyrenees
Giant white medium-coated sheepdog.

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Gentle giant, short coated, tri-color, family dog

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Large, easy-care, German estate guardian

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Kangal Dog
Giant short coated Turkish flock guardian

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Large white mop-coated flock guardian.

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Giant medium coated Hungarian flock guardian.

Dogs, dogs, dogs

Large Tibetan bearded hunting and guard dog

Breeds 1-30 of  60

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