by TheDogPlace.org Staff
Veterinary toxicologist's warning, photos, descriptions of common landscaping and indoor plants dangerous to children and pets, plus Poison Control hotline phone number.
Professionally landscaped yard? Look around for hazardous fruit, vegetable or decorative plants that can be attractive but deadly to children and pets.
You would never allow a three-year old child unsupervised access to the yard or garden but it's not uncommon for dogs, particularly puppies, to be poisoned by plants in your own yard!
Veterinary toxicologist Dr. Safdar Khan warns that many plants "have the potential to cause serious, even fatal systemic effects when ingested.” The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center
(phone number below) lists the five most potentially dangerous plants to pets. TheDogPlace.org has added photos to help you recognize potentially toxic plants.
We suggest you print this page and save it in your pet's records folder or notebook so you can find it if you ever
suspect your dog has been poisoned.
Click on plant photos to enlarge,
photos open in window, close window to return here
LILIES, rank number one in dangerous plant can volume at the APCC, and are highly toxic to cats. Says Khan, “It is clear that even with ingestions of very small amounts, severe kidney damage could result.” An owner in Pennsylvania lost her cat to kidney failure from ingesting only a small portion of an Easter lily. Lilies are beautiful but dangerous plants!
Peace Lily (right) can cause mouth ulcers,
vomiting and diarrhea.
AZALEAS, indigenous to many eastern and western states and commonly used in landscaping, contain substances that can produce vomiting, drooling, diarrhea, weakness, and central nervous system depression. Severe cases could lead to death from cardiovascular collapse. Enjoy the colorful hardy Azalea but limit use to restricted areas.
* Frequently used as an ornamental plant,
OLEANDER contains toxic components that can cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, hypothermia, and potentially severe cardiac problems. The stunning white flowers belie this plant's toxicity. It may be best for front yards where children and pets do not play.
* Also a popular ornamental plant,
SAGO PALM, can potentially produce vomiting, diarrhea, depression, seizures, liver failure, and even death. One pit bull terrier in Florida became ill and subsequently died from liver failure after chewing on the leaves and base of a sago palm in his yard. Bull Terriers like to walk under the leaves (Bullies are funny that way) and although the trance-like behavior is not to be confused with a toxic reaction, they are best discouraged.
* Although all parts of the
CASTOR BEAN plant are dangerous, the seeds contain the highest concentration of toxins. Ingestion can produce significant abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness; in severe cases, dehydration, tremors, seizures, and even death could result.
If you suspect that your pet may have consumed one of these
dangerous plants or any other potentially toxic substance - contact your veterinarian or in an emergency
call 1-800-222-1222
the National Poison Control Center who will automatically connect you to their
free service in your state. Depending on who answers, you may get quick, basic
information for animal poisoning and it is 24-7.
Other Toxic Plants, Fruits & Vegetable Parts
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Aloe Vera
Apple (seeds)
Apple Leaf Croton
Apricot (pit)
Asparagus Fern
Autumn Crocus
Avacado (fruit & pit)
Baby's Breath
Bird of Paradise
Branching Ivy
Buddist Pine
Calla Lily
Castor Bean
Charming Dieffenbachia
Cherry -seeds & wilting leaves
Chinese Evergreen
Christmas Rose
Corn Plant
Cornstalk Plant
Cuban Laurel
Cutleaf Philodendron
Devil's Ivy
Dracaena Palm
Dragon Tree
Dumb Cane
Easter Lily (especially in cats!!!!)
Elephant Ears
Emerald Feather
English Ivy
Fiddle-leaf fig
Florida Beauty Foxglove
Fruit Salad Plant
German Ivy
Giant Dumb Cane
Glacier Ivy
Gold Dieffenbachia
Gold Dust Dracaena
Golden PothosHahn's self-Branching Ivy
Heartland Philodendron
Hurricane Plant
Indian Rubber Plant
Janet Craig Dracaena
Japanese Show Lily (especially cats !!!)
Jeusalem Cherry
Lacy Tree Philodendron
Lily of the Valley
Madagascar Dragon Tree
Marble Queen
Mexican Breadfruit
Miniature Croton
Morning Glory
Mother-in Law's Tongue
Needlepoint Ivy
Oriental Lily (especially cats)
Peace Lily
Peach (wilting leaves & pits)
Pencil Cactus
Plumosa Fern
Poinsettia (low toxicity)
Poison Ivy
Poison Oak
Precatory Bean
Red Emerald
Red Princess
Red-Margined Dracaena
Ribbon Plant
Saddle Leaf Philodendron
Sago Palm
Satin Pothos
Silver Pothos
Spotted Dumb Cane
String of Pearls
Striped Dracaena
Sweetheart Ivy
Swiss Cheese Plant
Taro Vine
Tiger Lily (especially cats!!!)
Tomato Plant (green fruit, stem & leaves)
Tree Philodendron
Tropic Snow Dieffenbachia
Weeping Fig Yew
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