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The FIRST website to track and expose Bad Boosters, Lyme Disease Lies, Mercury Madness, Parvo Prism, Rabies Reactions, and Vaccinosis.






New warnings on over-vaccination which raise cancer rates, autoimmune disease, trips to the doctor or veterinarian, even vaccine induced anaphylactic shock in dogs and people.


2017 is drawing to a close but since this information was compiled in Feb. 2011, ii Vaccine Induced Disease (instant information) is so common it now has an acronym in the veterinary profession.  VID elevates the vaccination risks to “impossible to deny.” In addition to disease risk, by 2017 the incidence of vaccine-related Anaphylaxis or Anaphylactic Shock had risen dramatically Ref #1. Here is additional Instant Information to define ii Vaccinosis Disease (popup window).


VACCINE INDUCED DISEASE (VID) OCCURS IN PEOPLE AND ANIMALS, learn how to protect your pets from unnecessary and often risky vaccinations that may impair health and damage DNA, puppy shots - childhood shots, there can be too much of a good thing.Full disclosure, informed consent, and changes to the 1986 Vaccine Injury Compensation Act is the goal of Patricia Jordan, DVM (U.S), Elizabeth Hart (Australia) and a host of other veterinary and medical professionals.  TheDogPlace Project Vaccines is honored to assist in chipping away at veterinary resistance to the truth of Vaccine Induced Disease and how it affects animal health.


Dr. Jordan’s tag line says it all:

Unless we put medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of Men and deny equal privileges to others; the Constitution of the Republic should make a Special privilege for medical freedoms as well as religious freedom.”    Patricia Jordan, DVM, VND, CVA, CTCVM & Herbology


Since the 80s, medical doctors have questioned the over-use of vaccines.  They are joined by Dr. Jordan and other forward-thinking veterinarians who provided input to the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Assoc.) on the Model Veterinary Practice Act Ref #2 which accepted input through Feb. 7, 2011. The message sent was simple “We are opposed to the use of unsafe and unnecessary vaccines and to the dangerous medical practice of administering vaccines to animals receiving veterinary care in times of emergency.


Veterinary Emergency Visits Lead To Vaccine Induced Disease

Of a predatory emergency treatment practice, Dr. Jordan speaks candidly.  “This seems to be a good time for vets to pick up patients; jabbing them when they are in there for an emergency!  Then when the animals develop VIDS (vaccine induced disease) the next step is to treat diseases the animal would not have even come down with were it not for vaccination, particularly when given during injury or illness.  We should always mandate full disclosure and Informed Consent on all medical procedures - list an adverse event reporting contact for everything vets do to the animals – to include vaccines, drugs, toxic chemicals used for flea and tick control, etc.


“(We should) ask the AVMA to support a unified rabies vaccine medical exemption letter for all diseased animals.”


Of ii Vaccine Induced Diseases, Dr. Jordan says “the dysregulation of the immune systems, the gene profile expression from the impact of false immune challenges (shots), adverse events, and the regulators have acknowledged that the MLV vaccines are simply not necessary every year or even every 3 years.”  Referring to Elizabeth Hart’s campaign in Australia, she cites “the recently released WSAVA Guidelines about vaccines (admits this) but as Elizabeth Hart states, they buried it.


Another disclosure we should heed “The noncore vaccines are even more riddled with pathology and unable to be shown to be protective and so these vaccines should be marked clearly unnecessary.  If the AVMA, AAHA etc did what they should, as Dr. Rich Ford said in the DVM News article "step up to the plate" and clearly establish this, even regarding Core vaccine, owners could check titer to be thorough and avoid risk.”


Rabies Titer Tests & Liability

Dr. Jordan says “Owners can obtain rabies titer through Dr. Jean Dodd's Hemopet Service as she is collecting data on antibody titers in vaccinated animals.  We have not been doing due diligence in checking rabies titers on our animals following vaccination. We should be using the titer to check for thoroughness and to measure the reaction of the animals to the rabies shots. We should be using this to offset vaccine damage done by forcing additional vaccines onto patients who have duly responded in antibody production.


Typical of Dr. Jordan’s candor and dedication, she suggested a client “take a (titer) statement to any state that would require additional vaccine in light of this high titer demand.”  Logically and perhaps legally, that state should assume all liability for vaccine reactions, adverse events and/or vaccine induced disease.  She explains “Since we do not (yet) have a Veterinary Vaccine Injury Compensation Act in place, the mandating state should assume all risks and be willing to pay for any medical bills, damages, loss of companionship, etc that would occur with such a high rate of adverse events following use of unnecessary vaccine just to fulfill the ‘rabies laws.’


Vaccine Injury Compensation Act

Regarding rabies, world-renown veterinary oncologist, Dr. Dennis Macy, board certified veterinary oncologist, backs a Veterinary Vaccine Injury Compensation Act since the US mandates rabies vaccines. The rabies vaccine is very adverse event associated, especially with epilepsy, seizures, inflammatory neurological diseases and autoimmune diseases.  Pfizer even admits this correlation on the vaccine drug insert label.


Dr. Dennis Macy delivered in 2007 the Small Animal Oncology Update series.  His slide which says the best way to treat cancer is to avoid it, directs the viewer to the connection of cancer and vaccines!


Dr. Jordan explains “That is why he is an advocate for the Veterinary Vaccine Injury Compensation Act.  We here in the US don't have anything mandated for the animals except the rabies vaccine and it is on this basis that he and others that understand the association of vaccine to cancer and autoimmune disease feel that the government should have in place a vaccine injury compensation act for the animals if they are going to mandate the vaccine.


TheDogPlace Vaccine Project agrees with Dr. Jordan’s summation “Until we get the bad rabies laws repealed, we should make the governments that mandate these unsafe and unnecessary vaccines responsible for the damage they cause to our companion animals.


Ref #1 ii Anaphylaxis or Anaphylactic Shock      Ref #2 Model Veterinary Practice Act (AVMA) American Veterinary Medical Assoc.DO BATS CARRY RABIES?  SHOULD WE RUSH TO GET RABIES SHOTS?


Letting The Bat Out Of The Bag reveals the truth about bats, rabies, and a new mutant form of test tube rabies.


While this may seem shocking, if you read the ii above, you'll understand how to protect your loved ones, human and animal!  Print your copy of the Rabies Vaccine Exemption Form EST 1998 ©   112s1491591610s1217192


Instant Information on ii Vaccine Facts & History, Chronological coverage of vaccines from 1981's lab-created Parvo to exposing today's health risks of over-vaccination; VID and Vaccinosis



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Lyme Disease research center Plum Island

Plum Island Lyme

Gov'ment studied Lyme Disease... now Hoof and Mouth research...

"The Jab" is high profit for the veterinarian because it often leads to serious immune system breakdown and/or neurologial damage

Vaccinosis Disease

How to prevent further damage to the dog's immune system.

Lepto, Lyme & Rabies

Physicians and Vets speak out on the risks of repeated vaccinations.


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