Toy Fox Terrier Information
Toy Fox Terriers love to play games - and pose for the camera! Photos from our readers answer the question as only TFTs can do! Have a smile today as you play the little dogs game.
Do Toy Fox Terriers ....?
Q: Do Toy Fox Terriers like elderly people?
A: Only if they are over 100 years old.
Toy Fox Terriers are drawn to both old and young people. Okay, the truth is, the TFT
loves ALL people.
Xtra Sweet O'BJ, owned by Lucy Marcum, "Sweetie" is pictured with Jan's 101 year old mother Polly Corder
Q: Do Toy Fox Terriers Free Whelp?
A: Sure, and there's no charge for extra features.
In fact, they are more terrier
than toy when it comes to free whelping litters.
Courtesy of Margo Carter, Phoenix Rising Toy Fox Terriers

Q: Do TFT's Like To Dress Up?
A: Only in High Fashion
Toopsa wears Burburry coats, and Simon bought her the collar, leash, and bag from Louis Vuitton !!!
Owners, top fashion designer "Berangere"

Q: Do Toy Fox Terriers Sleep In The Bed?
A: Only When You're In It.
Otherwise, they are content to
just watch over you while you sleep. Wanda patiently waits for Henry to
wake up.
Wicked Wanda O'BJ owns Henry & Cynthia Margenau

Q: Do TFTs Like To Ride?
A: Yes, but they much prefer to drive!
This is Jazzy taking her owner Kaye Ritchie for a spin.
Wandering Jasmine O'BJ is a part-time chauffeur for Kaye & Jim Ritchie.

Q: Do Toy Fox Terriers Dig?
A: Yes, but they prefer to wear the flowers.
She grew them herself but she
had help "arranging" the bouquet.
Weeones' Stella Storyteller is owned by Peter & Anne Gendron, bred by Michele Gauthier
Q: Do Toy Fox Terriers Have Long Backs?
A: No, it only looks that way when they sleep together.
Foxlair dogs are perfectly
proportioned, it's the camera's fault.
Dreaming dogs owned and bred by Violet Denney, UKC All-Breed Judge and Toy Fox Terrier Breeder.
Do TFTs Get along With Other Breeds?
A: Sure, as long as they play laying down.
This puppy hasn't a clue that
she's outsized and outweighed.
Violet Denney assures us that all Toy Fox Terriers think they are Superman/Wonder Woman!
Your TFT could be here!! If you have an idea and photo for Do Toy Fox Terriers ....? send it to Design@TheDogPlace.org with photo attached and a brief comment. It's fun, free, and educational for prospective owners!
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