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Cane Corso "Angus" A of D's Angus Di Nativo aka The Smoking Gun

A of D's Angus Di Nativo aka The Smoking Gun



He stands 27 inches and weighs in at an athletic 119 lbs.


Super high drive and eagerness to please makes "Angus" a great working dog. He has explosive power and extreme intelligence, which means he's the ULTIMATE home protector and DEVOUT family companion.

Cane Corso Breed Representatives Section

"Meet TheDogPlace's Certified Breed Representatives"

Characteristics and distinctive qualities of the Cane Corso as only a top breeder can know and share with you in order for you to make the best choice for a show dog or family pet.

Cane Corso Breed Reference Section  
"As we are Today, we shall become Tomorrow"

Cane Corso Judges' Education Seminars, Breeder Interviews, AKC & UKC Standards, National Club sites, and Breeders. Cane Corso Breed History, First AKC Cane Corso National Specialty Results, with Photo Essay, Breed Judge interview, etc.

Cane Corso Breed Reflections Section
"Dedication to the Past is a Reflection for the Future"

Coming Soon:  Cane Corso Developmental History, Stories, Foundation Kennels, Cornerstone Dogs, Tributes, Memorials, Prominent Breeding Programs, Do Cane Corso...? and much more.

TheDogPlace is the Number One source for objective, balanced breed Information for pet owners, show enthusiasts, breeders, and judges.  Why?  Because Cane Corso breeders care enough to help us educate over 20,000 visitors every month! 

What can YOU do for your breed? 

How did you choose your Kennel Name?  
(upcoming Reference Section also protects your name and line)

Do you have or can you write breed-specific articles on 
health, reproduction, genetics, prominent people or kennels?

How do you grade your litters?  (New section planned)

Do you have photos or pedigrees of Cornerstone Dogs?

Will YOU share that knowledge?
send it to Cane Corso Editor

If you would like to nominate someone or be interviewed for
My Breeding Program  email  Reflections Editor

Breeders & Clubs!  No charge to publish Specialty Show photos and results!
** Ask how we can help your Specialty Club with matching fund donations **
Submit breed or club history, photos, or club-related articles to Breed Editor

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